Useful info on ovulation tests


Well-Known Member
Sep 4, 2016
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So I've been wondering all week why my ovulation tests are often not as dark as the test line and agonising over if there is something wrong. I mentioned it to my husband and he said 'Oh yeah I was talking to our doctor about that' - (our doctor trained and worked as a fertility doctor before he became a GP, so as you can imagine we have bombarded him with fertility questions!!).

Basically what the fertility doc said was it's not about the darkness of the line. It's about the pattern of tests - so you are looking for the surge but the surge may not be as dark as the test line for some women. Everyone makes different amounts of LH. As long as you get a peak, it doesn't matter if it is as dark as the test line. The only way you can recognise your surge really is to do a month or two and get used to the darkness of your line and then also test the next day so you know it has gone down.

Would have been useful to know! Don't know why my OH didn't think to mention it. He keeps coming out with these little gems he's got from our doctor but not until I've been tearing my hair out.

Anyway, thought that might be useful to some people whose lines are never as dark as it says they should be on the tests. It's certainly put my mind at rest.
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Thank you so much for sharing that info. My lines are never as dark as the control line, I was feeling a little helpless, but to know that now is really helpful
Thanks for this, very good to know :)

How long do you normally wait to check? The first line comes up after seconds, but how long before the second line will appear if one is going to?
Thanks for this, Ive always worried about mine as they get dark but never darker then the test line :) Did you doctor happen to mention why they line may not be going away ahah!
cos I asked mine and he's not got a clue! I think I need your doctor lol x
Ha ha! that's odd. Do you get a clear pattern of EWCM? And do you track your BBT?
Ive only just started tracking my bbt this cycle, so I'm not 100% yet,
and I'm rubbish with my ewcm as my and the husbands just dtd every other day so I'm not sure whats me or him
sorry tmi haha!
No, I totally get it! I read that EWCM will keep stretching over and over whereas sperm will break after being stretched a few times. But if you are dtd every other day you should be fine!

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