Ovulation advice - can anyone help?

Future mum?

Well-Known Member
Jan 20, 2010
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Hi Ladies

This is our 2nd month TTC. We have been using OPK's this month; cd 9, 10, 11, I had faint lines but gradually getting darker. Yesterday the line was almost as dark as the test line but not quite. Today, cd 13, it was there but not as dark as yesterday. It is a Boots kit and says that for a positive LH surge the line should be as bright as the test line.
I have always thought that I ovulated on cd 13 or 14 which would make sense if cd 12 was a positive.
Could this mean that I'm not ovulating at all?

Please let me know what you think.
Thanks xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Yes you are most probably ovulating :) I used OPK's this month though and still haven't conceived , I hope you get your BFP though :dust: :dust:
Hi Hun if there's a line it's definately detecting something, I used the clear blue digital ones which were excellent! Expensive but they worked I started testing on day 10 and got a smiley face on day 15! I fell pregnant on the 1st of jan and it was the first month I had used the tests x hope this helps
I came off the pill on 22 January, I'm not ttc yet but am trying to learn my cycle. Had bad cramps last night and today, to the point where I though AF would arrive, then nothing so I did an OPK which I think was positive. So in theory today is day 24 of my cycle and I'm ovulating?

I think it just takes a bit of time to get used to our bodies and cycles, have you just come off long bc?
I would say that yesterday was your surge in that case. It might be that if you had tested a few hours later that the line would hav been darker still and now it is fading as the surge has occurred. Get bding and keep ya fingers crossed for a bfp this month. :dust: :dust: :dust:
I came off the pill on 22 January, I'm not ttc yet but am trying to learn my cycle. Had bad cramps last night and today, to the point where I though AF would arrive, then nothing so I did an OPK which I think was positive. So in theory today is day 24 of my cycle and I'm ovulating?

I think it just takes a bit of time to get used to our bodies and cycles, have you just come off long bc?

Hi there, no, I came off birth control about 5 years ago, but was not TTC, I know my cycle really well and had hoped we would get lucky our first time - not to be. If what the other ladies say is true then it only confirms when I thought I was ovulating anyway. Fingers crossed for this month, we BD every other day rather than every day this cycle so hopfully the wee swimmers will be more abundand rather than running out! :)
Your meant to do it everyday hun .. but what ever you feel comfortable with

Fingers crossed for your :bfp: :dust:
Your meant to do it everyday hun .. but what ever you feel comfortable with

Fingers crossed for your :bfp: :dust:

If you are talking about the BD they actually reccomend that if you have been trying a few months doing it every day in fertile period that you should then try every other day as there will be better sperm stored up over those 2 days. Especially for couples where a low sperm count is involved.

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