Urinary incontinence (tmi)


Well-Known Member
Jan 28, 2008
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Afternoon ladies

It's a long one I'm sorry

I have been putting off writing this post as I am so embarrassed. Basically I think there is something seriously wrong with my pelvic floor muscles or something down there.

It started right after the birth of my lo that my pelvic floor muscles were not as strong but I figured this was to be expected, it is now nearly 10 weeks later and this week I was walking home from the shops when I needed to do a wee. This is the main problem as soon as I need to go I can't hold it, anyway I was just a couple of houses away from home and I wet myself (I am so mortified to write that). Since then I am very nervous at the thought of going out incase it happens again. I have been making sure I drink plenty of water as I am breastfeeding but again I am worried to drink too much now incase I wet myself but I know this isn't good for me. I am trying really hard to keep doing my pelvic floor exercises but I am frightened it might not make any difference now. When I was in the bath I tried to see if I could feel anything internally when I squeezed and there was only a small amount of contraction.

I can't stop the flow of urine by squeezing my pelvic floor, it starts to stop but then carries on. Also I tested my urine using the hospital dipsticks and it came up as showing I had a urine infection which it has shown for the past 10 weeks but I haven't wanted to take antibiotics as breastfeeding but I think I may be adding to the problem.

One last thing, this is also embarrassing but I seem to have lost almost all of my pubic hair since giving birth!!???????

I looked it up on the Internet and I think I have urge control incontinence because it isn't when I cough or sneeze or stress incontinence. It also said that pelvic floor exercises may not help with urge control incontinence!!!

I'm so frightened, is there any hope that if I continue with the exercises this will stop? Should I get antibiotics for the urine infection? Will this stop me from having another baby?

I am too embarrassed to tell my husband any of this.

Thank you so much for reading


I'm sorry I have no advice but I didn't want to read and run. I feel for you and I hope somebody has a solution for you soon. Hugs. :hug:
Don't want to read and run. Will reply in full later but please know there is hope and things can be done. Just baby is waking up now so don't have time to reply in full right now.

:hug: :hug:
I would say that it is still early days but would see my GP anyway. If there is no improvement, they might suggest that you see a physio but that might be quite a few months away. I don't know anything about the condition you think you might have but it would be worth getting checked out.

Please try not to get stressed about it babes. :hug:
I seem to be the PF fountain of info on incontinence after having a baby :roll: :lol: Its been over 7 months since I gave birth and I am still incontinent. But don't think that the same will happen to you. I have a somewhat extreme case.

Sounds like urge incontinence (I have both urge and stress fwiw) and truthfully, things usually do improve a lot as time passes.

If this is the first time you've wet yourself while out and about then I'd say you are doing ok there. Might not seem like it, I know how it feels to wet yourself while out and it is very distressing. But you've been incontinent since giving birth and there are things you can do.

In the first instance go see your HV or GP and ask for an assessment for incontinence pads and a referral to a physio (a specialist one, in the gynacology field) You should not have to buy pads if this is an ongoing thing. In my area I didn't go via the District Nurse (my age etc meant they could not sort them for me) but was referred to the Surgical Investigation Unit at the hospital and saw the lady there who prescribed pads for me. 3 months worth at a time. If your GP or HV tell you pads are not available on the NHS to you, don't accept it and try contacting the hospital to see who you need to talk to about pads. I was virtually housebound for the first 3 months of my sons life because of my problem. I could not even stand up or go from standing to walking without my bladder emptying. And I leak urine constantly. Having pads means you are at least saved from the indignity of wetting yourself when out and about.

The physio appointment might take a while to come through but until then keep doing your pelvic floor exercises. They really will help. And not just 5 times a day or some such, but 50 plus. I know it sounds a lot but it isn't really. You could also have some nerve damage and it can take up to a year for nerves to repair themselves. As the nerve damage improves you should start to see a change for the better with your incontinence.

Your GP will probably tell you that after having a baby it can take a while for this sort of thing to resolve and that they won't do anything else other than physio for the time being. I was told that the standard is at least 6 months after giving birth before they will refer you to the gynecologist for further investigation. And having had that also now it seems to be a standard thing as they prefer to see if time heals. They are not keen to operate if you plan on having more children and chances are will tell you that they will only do so once you have finished having children. The reason for this is because any future pregnancy and labour may undo the operations good work. So they prefer to wait.

If you are referred to the gynecologist in the future be prepared for an internal to check for a prolapse (fwiw your GP may do this anyways to rule it out). They will also ask lots of questions. Then it seems they say to let time do its thing. I'll have been incontinent for about 8 months before I see my gyne Consultant again and hear what they say about things as they stand now.

I've been told that even with my extreme case they see no reason for us to not try for another baby in the near future. I'll be under Consultant care for my pregnancy and hope for a homebirth. But they did mention about the possibility of a C section depending on how my bladder is should I get PG again and during pregnancy. However I stressed that I was keen to not go that route and I'd rather an op once baby is here and have any and all bladder damage repaired then.

I doubt it will be a problem for you to have another baby tbh. Just allow time for your bladder to improve slowly. It won't happen overnight, it may take up to a year. And you may have a bit of a problem after that still, but at least on a level where it won't really impact on your life.

If you have a UTI I'd be inclined to take meds to clear it up. Your GP can advise you on ones that are ok to take when BF'ing. Yes there may be some small side effects on your baby (poos more runny than usual or something) but they won't give you something unsafe to take when BF'ing. Just be sure to tell your GP you are BF'ing. A UTI can also cause you to pee more etc, so better to get it sorted.

And also make sure you keep drinking water. Avoid all tea and coffe and fizzy crap etc. Stick to plain water. I found either having a whole glass in one go or sipping a glass over an hour worked. And regular loo trips. Even if you don't think you need to go, get in the habit and make it to the loo and empty your bladder rather than leaving it too long.

And tell your OH about this. My OH has been brilliant and has helped loads and is very understanding of the problem. If you are going to be living with this for a while until it improves then its only fair your OH knows and can support you with it all.

Anything else feel free to PM me ok :)

Hope this has helped.
Hiya hun,

I think sherlock has given you some good advice there. Whilst i havent had urinary incontinence i have had bowel incontinenece where i cant leave the loo (crohns) so i do understand the stresses of leaving the house and worrying if you will make the loo in time!

Try not to feel too embarrassed though as i believe its very common after childbirth. I would also advise you to speak to your OH. You really do need support at a time like this.

Claire xx

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