*UPDATED IN PG:1 COMMENTS!* 38+5 Scan at 10:30!


Well-Known Member
Oct 11, 2012
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Well I've got my doppler scan at 10:30 to check the blood flow to the cord & placenta and to check the fluid around the baby.. Feeling nervous :eh:

Depending on the results of the scan..
If all is fine I'll be getting another sweep - Nervous about this as it hurt last time :( Not the sweep itself but the woman trying to shove her HUGE hands right into my foof!!! Cause she had short stubby fingers! :(
If they see an issue with the scan they'll either discuss bringing my induction forward (Currently booked in for Sunday 23rd! To start me off over night.) Or maybe a csection depending on what's what.

So pretty nervous for al sinareos! (Bad spelling sorry lol)
Only thing that's keeping me good, is that her movements are good :) xxx
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So had my scan, and woman looked confused.. Always reassuring huh? :eh:
Anyhoo.. Basically I had a growth scan last week at 37+5, and I was told baby hadn't grown since 35+5. So this week was just meant to be a doppler scan to check the blood flow to cord/placenta and the fluid around the baby. But the woman done a growth scan too.. And basically she's said.. Since 37+5 and today at 38+5 the baby has put on almost 2lb!!! :shock: Which she said is pretty much impossible!!! So you can imagine my shock, after being made to worry last week and being made to feel like it was my fault the baby wasn't growing.
So either.. Last weeks scan the baby was lying funny and making it look like she hadn't grown but infact she had, or this week she's lying weird making herself look bigger then she is, or a mix of both lol.

The solution? Put me on a CTG trace again on Monday (17th) and then give me ANOTHER growth scan on Thursday (20th) when I'll be 39+5! And it will be my consultant doing the scan that Thursday as he wants to know what the hells going on lol. And then on the Sunday (23rd) I'll be taken in to induced over night!

Also.. I was given a sweep (again) today. Last week I was told my cervix was quite far back but they were still able to do one. Whereas this week, she said my cervix has dropped a lot and fast! And only has about 1cm left to drop, but because of how quickly its dropped from last week she said that it could happen from anything as quick as a few hours to a few days. Also said I'd started to dialate (about 1 & a bit cm - Which is apparently good as its my first child so it wouldn't of been already open from a previous child/birth).. So again she said this could mean I could go into labour pretty soon too! Again because of how quickly the changes have happened since last week. However she did say there was no garentee (which I knew anyway, and known my luck I'll still be pregnant and have to be induced on 23rd lol) But at least there's a chance it can happen sooner! But I won't be getting my hopes up!

Sweep didn't hurt as much as last time, infact.. Not at all! :) So very pleased! Think the woman who done it last time was just rough and impatient lol.

Oh oh oh.. Also, the reason she seemed pretty sure about labout soon was because she could feel babies head with ease through cervix.

So I've been to Tesco, stocked up on shite food for OH for the hospital bag! Bought 2 pineapples too.. So guna get them blended and drank at tea time. Also guna continue with my 6 RLC a day, and also start on RLT too! And again try to 'pounce' the OH later on lol xxx
very positive trip then! so happy for you :)

a whole 2lb though?! Sounds like one of them was a dodgy scan, and if you say last week was pretty terrible we'll go with that one! silly women!

How exciting though! get that pineapple down you and maybe let OH get his leg over.. never know! haha

Good luck and fingers crossed she's here soon :) xxxx
Ohhh gosh!

Well goodluck with ur natural inducing this evenin huni an FX it works and baba will be here for the weekend! Xx
Oh lol how strange 2lb gain.
Fx this sweep works xx

Tapatalking. X
Now thats determination, hope it all works! Glad to hear u got better news today, pity u had that week of worry though xx
Sounds like you'll be next!!! Fx hun. Xx

Been getting a little cramping.
Had a few tightenings.
And got lower back pain.

But whether it means anything is a diffo story haha x

Been getting a little cramping.
Had a few tightenings.
And got lower back pain.

But whether it means anything is a diffo story haha x

Fx for u! :)
I've got lots of lower back pain last few hours, also a strange stabbing/stinging feeling on the right side of my bump-dunno what that is!! Xx

Tapatalking. X
I've still got the pains, but I feel sick now too :( Yaaaaak x
Ohh interesting update. I'm glad that baby prob has grown, I also think sounds like last time they got it wrong best of luck and hope that it's all starting soon xx

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