Tillytots said:
oh hun that is a biffa!
I cant wait to see what mine is estimated at on Wed
I REALLY REALLY hope you get to have a homebirth! One of us has gotta get the birth they want. With regards to your BMI is that before you got pregnant or now? You dont look like you could possibly have a high BMI?!
My BMI scraped in at 30 when I found out I was PG. It is now something like 35 apparently. Not even close to 40 and the red danger signs going off. And my weight gain during pregnancy hasn't been massive. Its around 2 stone, a bit more. But I feel great, have been walking lots, eating well and so on and am not worried overly about giving birth to a larger baby.
The thing is, even when I am my normal size my BMI is higher than average
I can be a size 14 and clock in at 25 plus. My being 30ish when becoming PG was mainly because of an achilles heel injury that really restricted my exercise and limited what I could do for about 6 months prior. And I am one of those who only has to look at a lettuce leaf to put on weight.
If I am my normal size even hubby says I look bony (skeletal was his word today). I have a really large frame, my shoulders are broader than hubbys and I carry a lot of muscle also. I kid you not but my arms, legs and shoulders etc are pretty hefty. I'm not a slender tall woman, but really well put together and with a big bone structure. Being slim and having an average BMI is never going to be me
Cripes the size of my hips is insane. I can wear a much smaller wasit but have to have 2 sizes larger in jeans etc due to my hips
I'm going for my homebirth anyways. Hubby and I are going to keep talking about it, reading up on possible problems that the Doctor was concerned about so we can be informed. I'm even happy to agree to labour at home till the last possible moment (if all is well) and then transfer to hospital for the actual delivery, even if all seems well if there is cause for concern size wise etc. But I ain't running in there early and being stuck there for a long time labouring