UPDATED - Emotional thread....Fenugreek.....????????


Well-Known Member
Jul 9, 2010
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Ok guys, really need some help on this one. Some of you will know from my facebook I've been asking a couple of questions lately on how to increase milk supply. Basically, (long story cut short) I am worried Layla isn't getting enough.

Primarily this reasoning is because of her weigh in on monday. She was weighed on 1st feb and was 8lb 6.5 :-) but then was weighed 20 days later on monday and weighed 8lb 3.5!!! So not only had she not put on weight, she had lost 3oz!!! :shock::shock::shock:

The last fortnight I have been struggling... I had a blocked milk duct to start with in the left breast which doc gave me anti biotics for and cleared in left breast in a week, however when i went back that week later - blocked duct in right breast! When I was checked on monday, both breasts were fine so all good on that score.

We are however giving Layla ONE 5-6oz forumla feed as her last night feed as this is settling her more at night time and our routine at the moment is fab :-) no problems on that score.

I am concerned though about the milk as before the introduction of that one formula feed and the blocked ducts my breasts were filling/engorging 3-4 times a day. Now they are only like that in the morning :-(

So, I decided to get some fenugreek. Not arrived yet and following a concerned visit to the doc this afternoon to see what else I could do etc the doc basically said nothing. Wait until mondays weigh in and go from there. The doc basically said, if no weight has been put on this week then i'll have to go over to formula :-(

I don't want this. I spoke to them about Reglan (sp?) which can be used to stimulate milk supply too and was told that was rubbish! Told there was no medical way of increasing milk supply and that if you aint got enough or stop producing it then that is it.... forumla feed must then take over.

OH was with me and heard this so now he is wanting to ban me from taking the fenugreek when it arrives :-(

All i want to do is what is best for Layla but at the moment I feel like I am failing her and I want to do everything I can to increase my supply before going over to forumla completely.

I'm so upset. Cannot stop crying and even got overly emotional in docs too :-(

OH just doesn't seem to understand. And on top of that Layla obviously WASN'T hungry last night as she didn't even take the full 6oz!

Any ideas on what I can do? Is fenugreek worth a shot?

Sorry for the long thread. Just really don't know what to do......... xxx
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I would say fenugreek is worth a go - i noticed a real difference the day after I started it. Lots of oats too :)
Fenugreek worked for me!!!

I also remember reading the leaflet on motilium10 (an anti sickness drug) and that said a side affect could be lactation. Since then I'm sure I have heard of doctors giving it to increase milk supply?? I think the actual drug is called domperidone, might be worth looking up and mentioning to doc??

I tell you the MAJOR thing which I found increased my milk supply - Sleep!! I know you can't control that right now but you may find that as Layla starts sleeping more then your milk supply increases :)
Hope things improve for you soon hun xx

Oh, and if it's any consolation, I haven't had Lizzie weighed for 4 weeks now but she looks happy and healthy and that's enough for me!
Just a thought as well, is Layla latching on properly? If there's any doubt on that score defo get it checked out as if they don't go on properly then they don't get as much milk out. Also make sure she's getting the hind milk as that's the fatty stuff that makes them gain weight :)
I find eating porridge works wonders as oats really boost supply.

Hang in there. Xxx
OMG your GP is misinformed. Domperidone has been proven to increase milk supply and is prescribed on postnatal wards if its needed :doh:

There is plenty you can do to increase your supply without the drugs though. Its hard work but if you really want to do it then go for it. Fenugreek is definately worth a try, works for some, not for others but there are no harmful side effects so why not try it and see, youve already paid for it, so I dont understand why your OH doesnt want you taking it.

Id suggest first thing tomorrow you ring your health visitor/midwife and ask to be referred to a breast feeding specialist. Tell them that you are on the brink of switching to formula feeding and you really need help asap. They are keen to keep you BFing as long as possible and usually better informed than the GPs anyway. I had to use a breast pumo every 3 hours for 10 mins each breast. But your situation will be very different to my as my LO couldnt latch on at all, breast pump was the next best thing.

Surely you expressing milk and giving it in a bottle is much better than formula feeding anyway, then you'll know how much shes getting and you'll be increasing your supply every time you use the pump.

Dont think its completely over hun, even if you have to top up with formula to help her gain weight at first you will be able to keep your supply up and when shes bigger and stronger you'll be just fine :hug:

My breast feeding specialit always said to me, as long as there is even a tiny drop of milk being produced you can get your supply back up.
I think the other ladies have covered everything I could offer advice wise, but just thought it worth a mention that once we'd got into a routine of how much Cahal needed per day, I found that my breasts didn't get 'engorged' at all, in fact they have felt completely normal (not heavy or swollen at all) for about 4 months now. Cahal was exclusively breast fed up until a couple of weeks ago when we started weaning, and he still has about the same amount of breast milk as ever. At first I worried that I had stopped producing enough milk because I was so used to having big swollen boobies that went off like fire hydrants but there was always enough and he gained weight consistently, staying on his line (he even jumped up a percentile when he was about 3 months old).

Obviously if Layla is still losing weight there is something to sort out, but don't worry about your breasts not feeling engorged all the time, they could just be regulating themselves to the amount of milk she wants / needs / takes.

I've heard great things about Fenugreek btw, give it a try, it's your call at the end of the day, no-one elses :hug:
thank you so much girls, really don't know what I would do with out you! I will try the usual increased pumping etc and even try the porridge which I've hated since I used to eat it as a kid lol. But I'm game to try anything at the moment. I will be talking to HV about the fenugreek but I don't see why it would be a problem. I'm having an Indian meal tonight and by all accounts they use the herb widely across alot of their food so FX there's some in mine tonight haha!

Just wish OH would understand me and my preference with the breast feeding over formula. I think he is slowly getting there and tried to make me feel better by saying it wasn't my fault etc but still. You all know where I'm coming from!

Will keep you updated on how I get on! Thanks again... xxx
I was going to mention Domperidone too - most doctors will only prescribe it as a last resort if at all, but it massively increases supply so I'm not sure why you were told there was no medical way to increase it. But it is totally normal for your breasts not to feel full (unless you haven't fed for quite a while) after the first few weeks...at first they sort of work on autopilot and churn out as much milk as they can, but things settle down (usually within the first 6 weeks) and you start producing as much as you need. I know Toby's a lot older but mine never feel like there's any milk in them at all now, but he's still feeding several times a day.

Fenugreek's definitely worth a try if you do want to try and increase your supply though, or a can of Guinness every evening :lol: x
If you don't like porridge why don't you make some flapjack? Then you're still getting the oats. Dead easy to make too :-)

How are you getting on with the Fen? xx
I've found in addition to fenugreek New Mama tea is brilliant. It contains fenugreek in it and I notice my supply is always better after a couple of cups of this.

You can get it from tesco and waitrose where it's only £2 a box rather than £6 on amazon.

I have 5 boxes, I stocked up the other day. PM me your address and I'll get one out in the post to you today if you want? X
Hope your health visitor has been able to offer some sensible advice for you :hug:
I had a non alcoholic wheat beer last night and felt much fuller this morning! I eat oat so simple in the morning, lots of juice/water and rest when I can. I've been taking fenugreek as well but not religiously. I've not been to a weigh in for a month so I'll find out on Tuesday if she's increased from 11lb 12 @ 12 weeks.

Try not to stress, that will surely hinder your milk production. Relax mama! Xxx
thanks girls. Gemma - very kind of you hun, how do you take that tea then? Like a herbal/fruit tea or can you add milk to it?

My HV didn't really say much when I mentioned Fenugreek... although she did mention Maxilon (spelling?) which my doctor didn't mention (as he said nothing medically would increase supply - doh!)

Anyways, it took it's time, BUT, my Fenugreek arrived this morning... :-) Only one problem.... it says on the side of the bottle not to take whilst pregnant OR nursing??? What are your thoughts? I will admit, I ordered it off Amazon rather than getting it from Holland & Barratt because it was alot cheaper...

Kinda concerned now that not only may I have wasted money but may harm Layla? xxx
I think mine says the same on the side.

I'm reading the La leche league book "making more milk" and it talks about fenugreek a lot there.

The mama tea is a herbal tea no need for milk. It's a different kind of taste. I love it, find it refreshing where as my sis can't stand the smell. One thing though, I promise it does work! So if you still want some PM me your address. Ive still got lots left.
Thank you so much hun :-)

Also, how many of the capsules do you take and when? xx
i take about 5 a day, it doesnt make my boobs explode but i think it increase a little as noa dont empty all boob as much as before. my boobs only feel hard/full if noa havent feed for maybe 5-6 hours.
i eat porrige, oats & chookie bars and alot of rice to help xx
Fenugreek worked well for me - I would recommend it. Being a herbal tablet the same rigorous drug trials a prescribed medication goes through doesn't apply so to cover themselves the manufacturers will add cautions to the label. Fenugreek ( herb used in Indian cooking) has Bern around for years and the research I did shows no links to harming the baby.
I really wanted to post to say please get in touch with your local breastfeeding team. Health visitors really vary in their experience of breastfeeding as do GP's! Consider seeing another GP as they may be willing to prescribe you medication - it is done, I know as I am one! All the best x

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