update on appointment toady..


Active Member
Jan 4, 2009
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Hi ladies, hopefully some may find it helpful / interesting to follow us through the journey of ttc with medical help. Hope im not being to 'me me me' but i know i cant get enough of others stories. Anyways, here goes..
Today was our first appt at the infertility clinic, had no idea what to expect really and turned up with fresh shaven legs ( just in case!!) and a list of cycle dates for the past year. I had already had bloods done and hubby had been tested and all was ok for him. My bloods showed that I didnt ov that cycle.
So we met our dr who was a lovely lady and looked as though she had just left school ( maybe Im just feeling old!) she asked me loads of questions, have I had any pregnancies - yes, two children 11 and 7 and one early mc last year and all the usual health stuff, i wasnt weighed thank god. She then asked hubby all his stuff and we basically were told its not him ,its me, but we knew that anyway. Then she talked about my cycles, they are all over the place, ranging from 24 days to 31 through to the other extreme of 42. She said my blood results were not accurate enough so first step is to have those done again, its all really date specific, im to get them done between cd 2 and 4 of my next cycle, ( typical, just missed it for this one as on cd 6 now) . She then wants to scan me for ovary function, its a trans vaginal scan which they do from cd 12 right through until they see ovulation, could be interesting as I ovulate as late as cd 20 sometimes. I could have had the scans this cycle but there is no room, so have to be patient. Then we go back to get the results in april. So, basically we have one more cycle to go at it like rabbits :dance: and then we get straight into the medical stuff next month.
We already decided that we will draw the line at too much intervention, I dont want to go through ivf as it is so stressfull and invasive that I know the effect on my kids wouldnt be good, hopefully we will get clomid and that will do the trick.
well, hope this has proved interesting to someone, anyone else going through similar stuff at the mo?
best of luck all you feb testers,
:) xx
hi :wave:
i found this very interesting- thank you. i think i replied to ur post yesterday about the appointment. i had a tv scan done on tuesday. i get the results on 25th. the doctor sent me for that and bloods to test for pcos as i am having very long/irregular cycles since coming off the pill 8 months ago (3 afs in that time- currently on day 59!) the bloods came back with testosterone normal so prob not pcos so waiting on the scan results. if they are normal i'm guessing its just because i went on the pill at an early age- 15 and that my body is still learning what to do!! i'm guessing we may be going down the clomid route in the near future though so please keep me updated with whats happening with u.
good luck!!
That all sounds very promising. Lets hope you'll get your bfp next month and it'll all be for nothing :pray:
Hi hun :wave:

Glad you posted, definitely find it helpful to know what others are going through.

Am trying to decide whether to go back to my GP to have a chat about my cycles as they're never the same length every month but I'm not quite sure if they're irregular enough to warrant seeing a specialist. Am interested to know what blood test you had done that can tell if you ovulated or not, have read others having tests done on CD2 and 21 but not sure what these are for - any ideas?
Good Luck hondagirl :hug: :hug: :hug:

Emma79 said:
Hi hun :wave:

Glad you posted, definitely find it helpful to know what others are going through.

Am trying to decide whether to go back to my GP to have a chat about my cycles as they're never the same length every month but I'm not quite sure if they're irregular enough to warrant seeing a specialist. Am interested to know what blood test you had done that can tell if you ovulated or not, have read others having tests done on CD2 and 21 but not sure what these are for - any ideas?

I personally would go back to see your GP 1.......because of your cycles and 2........ because you have been TTC for quite a while aswell. :hug: :hug: :hug:
Thanx hun - its just that every time I go I seem to come out even more upset and feeling :wall: :wall: .

Even tried seeing different GP's but they just come out with the usual lines about how I'm still young and got lots of time (I'm 30 this year :shock: ) which feels old considering we started trying when I was 27.
Emma79 said:
Thanx hun - its just that every time I go I seem to come out even more upset and feeling :wall: :wall: .

Even tried seeing different GP's but they just come out with the usual lines about how I'm still young and got lots of time (I'm 30 this year :shock: ) which feels old considering we started trying when I was 27.

Aww :hug: :hug: I don't know what to suggest then.

Your drs sound helpful not :shakehead: surely they should do something now with it being nearly 2 years :hug: :think: Have they even done any bloods? Maybe go see (another) different dr and demand bloods or something, I was in tears and begging for my dr to do some bloods or something and she did in the end....think she was just wanting me out of her office so did it to shut me up :shhh:

:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Lol, the things you have to do :D Good idea though, may choose a male doc this time cos they hate having hormonal females to deal with :lol:
BTW hondagirl, apologies for hijacking your thread :oops:

Hope you get your BFP next cycle and then you won't need any medical help. Amazing how many people seem to post on here, having finally been referred to fertility clinic, only to find themselves pg - hope it happens for you :hug: :hug:

A&J - hoping the above works for you too - maybe the threat of Clomid is just what your body needs :hug:
Emma79 said:
Lol, the things you have to do :D Good idea though, may choose a male doc this time cos they hate having hormonal females to deal with :lol:

I found the male dr was ALOT more helpful and willing to listen and do something :D .....but the female one was a dragon :twisted: when she came out of the reception area DH actually said ''blo*dy nora she looks a dragon''.....his face when she called my name :shock: :doh:

:rotfl: :rotfl:

Sorry to hijack your thread hondagirl :hug: :hug: :hug: wishing you loads of luck and sending you babydust :hug: :hug: :hug:

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