Update from me


Well-Known Member
Apr 7, 2005
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I feel like my pregnancy's going so fast I've hardly posted in here :oops:

2 weeks ago I had a scan to check my low lying placenta had moved, which is had, but they also noticed the baby is small (my bump is very small and neat but I always carry like that)
I had to go back today for my growth scan

I forgot my appointment was today at 1.30, which was stupid of them to book me in at that time cos on my notes it said i was seeing the MW at my doctors at 2pm! I thought my scan was friday for some reason :oops:

Anyway, my MW rang from the docs and got me in for 3.45.

So I left the MW at 2.30, straight away got Mason from school then went straight to the hospital for my appt at 3.45.
I waited AN HOUR before I had my scan, the kids were going mad, there's no toys there or anything. :(

Then I had my scan, all of 2 mins, if that.
Then I waited ANOTHER 45 mins to see the doc to tell me the results, everyone else had gone, just me and the kids sitting there (well B&M were trashing the place and I just let them by then LOL)

In the end I said to the woman, "look I've got to go I have got parents evening" (what I did) she called a doc through from the labour ward to look at my notes and the scan results.

All fine, growth normal, nothing to worry about.

Thats great obviously, BUT bloody hell I took about 5 mins total of their time and was there almost 2 hours!!
I felt so bad for the kids :(
Straight from there I had to drop them off for tea at my moms, then go to parents evening (Mason's doing great the teacher was singing his praises!)

Then I had to leave the school, back to my moms for the kids, nip to get take away and now I'm fooking knackered!!!

I still don't feel ready for this baby at all, I almost feel like I've not bonded with it at all yet, I have no name ready, no piles of baby stuff, just one pack of nappies, and a double buggy.

I need to spend a bit more money and get the clothes down and washed from the loft so I start to feel in baby mode again. :)

It really brought it home today that I'm due really soon. My MW can only fit me in in 3 weeks time, which is the 9th April. As I'm due on the 13th and I have only ever been induced for being overdue before she agreed to do a sweep. 3 weeks TODAY! :shock:

I really need to get my arse in gear! It only dawned on my about an hour ago that I need to pack a hospital bag!
Bloody hell. you were truly messed about wernt you. Glad everything is going well.

Hope this nesting bug kicks you up the :moon:

blimey Urchin i didnt realise u were so close either
seems impossible to think its been 30 weeks since u anounce u were Pg
Glad everything was good with ur scan
and i hear Braydons a nice name :wink:
wow not long to go hun!
I'm sure it'll all come together for you :)
silly hospital for keeping you waiting so long! :hug:
Urchin souns like today was a right unessacery palaver!

Once you start getting your stuff out and washing clothes and buying new one it will soon get the excitment bubbling! And buying stuff for your hospital trip as well is always fun as its choosing what outfit your new son will come home in :D

Youl get baby fever soon, you have been going through alot on the last few months with your maternity pay and the stupid 'other people' causing trouble.

Nothings worse than having to hang around somewhere, especially with two young children!
Anyway I'm really glad that everythings ok with baby #3 and yes I agree that the time really has flown past. Are Mason and Brody excited that they're having a little sibling?

Hopefully once you get the ball rolling regarding the baby bits and pieces, you'll get most of what you want quickly and done in a few days :D
blimey sounds like you've had a bad time of it
good luck getting everything packed and washed though
manda xx
i can sympathise totally.....ive had more time recently to get adjusted to the baby idea but until a month ago i felt exactly the same. i hadnt had time or space in my head to think baby-thoughts....hopefully you will 'click in' very soon....especially now its hit home how close it is?

(oh and like you i also spent 3 hour in hospital to get a growth scan that turned out ok!!!! )
I need the good luck re: the clothes, I have SO MANY, but Brody is moving in with Mason in a few weeks when Mason's room has been redecorated and has laminate down etc.
In the mean time we will have Brody's clothes and the baby's clothes all together in Brody's room!
Baby will be sleeping in our room for about 6 months, but the wardrobes are going to be chocca until Brody's stuff is moved over.

I wish OH had started Mason's room earlier, but he's been really busy :(

The boys are both really excited, they keep kissing my tummy and talking about the baby.
Now I need a name :think:
I was going to ask about names as I remember a previous post of yours :)
glad all well on baby front. it is annoying when they keep u waiting esp when they see u have kids we should be top of the waiting list as kids cant sit still for long.

marie x
Its gone so fast hun cant believe your nearly there!! :D
Bet ur boys are so excited to have a little brother on the way!
I am totally with you on the long waiting times, twice I have been waiting around for 5 hours at ante natal, and I am waiting for my midwife to make a home visit as I write......she was supposed to be here at 9.30, its now nearly 10.30....

Well dome Mason for doing well at school, now all you need to do is get your arris into gear and get that babies stuff sorted :hug:
its flown by for you... seems like you've had the quickest pregnancy on the forum!
bet brody and mason are well excited... thats well cute about them kissing your bump.
glad everything was ok at your scan with baby..
now we need a bump pic :D :D :D
How annoying having to sit around for hours with two young boys :x They could at least have had a toy corner, I'm sure alot of mums have to take their older kids along for scans.

I sympathise with your bedroom upheaval, my OH has decided in the last couple weeks to decorate the bedrooms, though he hasn't started yet!
I want to clean and he wants to make a mess, I have visions of dust everywhere, and paint all over the bathroom sink :cry:

You must be proud of Mason doing well in school :dance:
Well seems like the scan was a complete waste of your time but at least your little boy is healthy and happy in there :cheer:

Great to hear an update! :hug:

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