Finally...Sad Sacks results of consultants appointment!


Well-Known Member
Jun 10, 2007
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Absolutely Nothing!

Though in my hospital notes it syas regular scans from now....I had not been booked in for a scan....and the scanning department was too busy to see me!

So, I had my BP done - was great
Urine - +2 Ketones (so has reduced from the +4 of friday)
Weight - 4kg less (they weighed me to rule out weight gain for fundal height)

Plan of care:

Got to go back to the damn hospital thurs and have scan. Will see ancillary mw after. If there is a problem on the scan (for fetal growth and liquor volume) - then I have to go back monday, as no docs are in clinic on a thurs :evil: :x

This could have all been done today, if they were organised! :x

Didn't get to see my consultant or his cronies - just MW's....When I am supposeto see a doc at hospital appointmnents and my MW at the surgery.

I am extremely p*ssed off now....

MW kept saying 'If baby needed to be delivered now for any reason, it would be fine'

I hadn't asked this question, so kept simply nodding and smiling. When really I should have asked why she kept saying it!?!?

Rant over.....Off to breathe! :rotfl:
Im not suprised your annoyed hunny what on earth is going on with these Hospitals and doctors they make appoinment then you go and they cancel or rearange or just dont turn up
You shouldnt have to keep returning again and agian like that :x

Poor you sweetie and now you have to go back agian :hug: :hug:
I really hope they give you better feedback on Thursday and that the scan results are fine and you dont have to go in the following Monday love :pray: :hug:

Here's a bit of Raggy dolls to cheer you up a bit

sarah :hug:
Bloody hospitals/doctors :x good news about the test results tho :hug: xx
I would've thrown a major wobbly i think :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

I dont get why they always mess things up......i mean its simple isnt it......

consultant clinic=consultant being there!!!!

midwife clinic=midwife being there!!!

They have these degrees n what not in medicine but they cant figure THAT out??? :rotfl:

Rant of luck for the rest of your pregnancy hun maybe these twits will figure out their roles in your pregnancy soon!! :roll:
:shakehead: :shakehead: sounds like another disorganised hospital-why are so many a load of rubbish!!!!? :evil:

Glad your results have improved and hopefully you'll find out more on Thurs.

I mean this in the nicest possible way....But I think the NHS is too overstretched now. Both by a major increase in population and too many unexplainable government targets. We dont stand a chance of having continuity of care. And the care we get lacks the quality we had all come to expect. People say we should be grateful we have a free health service. I would be grateful if I did not feel people lives were being put at risk daily.

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