

Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2012
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Hi all,

Advice really if possible, I was due on yesterday so today decided to take a test, it was a clear blue one and after 5 mins of waiting I checked and at first glance it was bfn however when I looked again I could very slightly see the line that was coming down to make it a + so now unsure

Question has anyone used these tests before, if so should you be able to see both lines, even if one is very very faint???
Do you have any other tests?

I would say do a digi if in any doubt as there is no room for interpretation

i would say do a digi or a FRER, CB have anasty habit of leaving an evap line behind
is the line coming down as thick as the control line but just faint? I had an evil evap on those tests but the line coming down was just a sliver of blue, not a thick line like the control one. I would try a pink test, or post a pic for everyone to see and they can make a better judgement that way xx fingers x'd xxx
Was a sliver of blue, will wait a couple more days and then if no af I will get a digi one I think
Sounds like a plan, fingers x'd its your bfp though x will be stalking x
I would advise not using those test honey, iwould do an FRER with FMU ... i used one last month and it got my hopes up .. was soul destroying!! Good luck xx
Sorry honey, its first response, and first morning urine :) xx
Ok so did a frer and just the one line :-( still no af though and no sign of it coming either no spotting etc

Oh well just think the witch has decided to play mind games with me this month Grrrrrrr

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