Clearblue plus


New Member
Jan 2, 2012
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Hi all, decided to join after a lot of lurking on this forum! :wave::lol:

Yesterday I took a clear blue plus test and a faint line appeared after about a minute. As it was quite faint I couldn't be sure of the colour of the line, so I dipped another test into the same pot of pee. Again, a line appeared but very very faint, more faint than the other test. They didn't convince me so today I have done a digital test and a first response test and they both came back negative.

I looked again at the tests from yesterday, as I've kept hold of them, and one of them the line has got darker and is definitely blue in colour. Surely that isn't right!

I'm rather confused.... has anyone had similar experiences with these clearblue plus tests? Surely I couldn't get 2 evaporation lines straight after each other? but then the other tests did come back negative??! :think::confused:
Afraid so. I got two (out of same packet) that had thin blue lines and all other tests were neg including blood at Dr's. It's upsetting when u see a glimmer of line but I would stay clear of cb plus I can only assume they were Evap lines despite being blue.
Wish I had better news for u but maybe try in a few days time with a different brand!
Hi @Elmo... welcome hun

some brands are not as sensitive.. i used clearblue digital and kept on getting negatives.. i decided to use a cheaper brand (boots) tested over 3 days lol but i got a BFP each time, still not being convinced i had a urine test done at GPs, who confirmed that i was pregnant.

Hope this helps and good luck!! xx
grrrrr! :cry:

I think I knew as much... deep down!
Ah well, thanks for the replies ladies :thumbup:
Try a different brand those have had loads of bad rep x

Hope its a BFP and its just playing shy are you late or testing before period is due x
So is it better to try the cheaper tests first? and not clear blue?
I used cheapies first but its all down to what you find works best for you x
I don't like ClearBlue plus because it gives evaporation lines and thin blue lines after some time.
It gives hope for nothing.
I would use a test with pink strips, they don't give evap lines.
i used clear blue plus got BFP then 2 boots own both BFN then clear blue digi x2 BFP- i think the tests work different for each person I was preganant and negs on some and positives on others
Blue dye tests like the Clearblue Plus are notorious for evap lines so I'd advise anyone to steer clear. Try a First Response or Tesco/Morrisons own brand. Digital tests are not very sensitive so best to leave those til you're a few days late.

If in doubt, don't test for a while and then try again in a few days time. x x
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i got a horrible evap on a clearblue plus a couple of months ago so i agree with missj!!! xx

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