Types of CM


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2012
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Sorry this is kinda gross for a thread topic but I've only just started tracking my cm since ov day this month despite Ttc for 2 years! Better late than never... I know I get ewcm mid-cycle but can't recall what is 'normal' during the 2ww. I currently have a mix of sticky/creamy/ewcm - it seems to vary throughout the day! Do any of you know what is common at this stage of the cycle (and the rest of the cycle for that matter!)? What are your experiences during your cycle? I'm on day 25 of a 28-30 day cycle. I risked a poas this morning but bfn. Bit soon probably but I'm such a poas addict!! ;)

I have been trying to track my cm but at times justs gets me mad and confused becuase i miss the egg white stage and then thing well whats the point!

I have watery cm at the start of my cycle then i get a lettle egg white (only for one day) then if goes very creamy and sticky and load of it!

Mine has been like that for a number of cycles and each month i hope for something different as might mean my bfp!

good luck to you and lots of baby dust

I would have thought the one day may be when you ov. Have you used ovulation tests? Xx
I've just asked a good friend in 'real life' about CM today because she is very knowledgeable ( that sounds funny as I type it but I'll clarify that she used to give courses on using body temp and CM as measures for fertility, not like it's a random hobby she picked up! lol).

She promised to email me some info on the different types of CM later. As soon as I get it, I'll post it here! x
Oh gingah that would be very helpful! Exactly the answer I also need!
Ok, it is a bit long. I had to read it a few times to really get it (a bit dim today or in need of coffee?!).

But, from this, I gather the different types (dry, sticky, slippery, etc) of CM are important, but most important is the slippery (ewcm) versus all other. And, it seems 'all other' early cycle mucus is quite variable from woman to woman, whereas the ewcm is the consistent marker of the fertile time in the cycle.

If that makes sense?! :eh:

Here is what she sent (at the end it mentions what rules to apply to avoid/achieve pregnancy) :

This Billings Ovulation Method site explains it well (rather than me typing) -

Observations of the "feeling" of the mucus are made as you go about your daily activities. Note how it feels at the vulva, not by touching/stretching the mucus. You can note the appearance of any mucus if you see it on your undies or TP but the sensation at the vulva is the most important part.

If your doctor recommended waiting a couple of months before officially starting to TTC, then it's a good time to learn your BIP (Basic Infertile Pattern). That's usually what you see between your period and the start of fertile symptoms and it's characterized by an unchanging pattern (dryness or an unchanging pattern of mucus/discharge).

The Rules of the Billings Ovulation Method™
There are just four simple rules of the Billings Ovulation Method™ which are applicable in all circumstances and at all stages of reproductive life.

The Early Day Rules apply to the days before ovulation.

1. There should be abstinence from intercourse and all intimate genital contact during the days of heavy menstrual bleeding. This is because in a short cycle fertility may begin before the bleeding has finished and the presence of the mucus which indicates fertility could be masked by the bleeding.

2. Once the Basic Infertile Pattern has been recognised – days of dryness or unchanging discharge – intercourse is available on alternate evenings only. This is firstly because waiting until evening will allow the woman to be sure that the mucus pattern indicating possible fertility has not begun – she needs to be upright and moving about for a few hours for the mucus to flow down to where she can become aware of it at the vulva. Secondly, the day after intercourse she may feel damp and see a discharge of seminal fluid which could mask the beginning of the mucus pattern – intercourse is not recommended on consecutive evenings to allow for this occurrence. The seminal fluid detected on the day after intercourse will not contain any live sperm. Thus, even if the mucus starts in the hours following intercourse there will be no sperm capable of reaching and fertilizing the ovum.

3. Once there is any change from the Basic Infertile Pattern, whether it be bleeding or mucus – a change in sensation or in the appearance of the discharge – the couple should wait without intercourse to see what happens. If the Peak is observed the Peak Rule can be applied. If the Basic Infertile Pattern returns the couple should wait for a further 3 days and then resume using Rule 2 from the fourth evening. Waiting without intercourse allows the woman to observe the development of the mucus pattern without interference from seminal fluid. Waiting for 3 days after the return of the Basic Infertile Pattern ensures that the hormones have settled back to a basic low level and the cervix is tightly closed.

The Peak Rule is applied once the Peak has been recognised.
(The Peak is the last day of the slippery sensation of a changing developing pattern of variable length.
It is recognised in retrospect when there has been a distinct change to no longer slippery.)

From the fourth morning past the Peak, intercourse is available on any day, at any time, for the remainder of the cycle. Waiting until the 4th day past the Peak allows time for ovulation to take place and for the life of the egg. For the remainder of the cycle the couple is infertile because the egg is dead and there won’t be another ovulation until after the next menstruation.

Menstruation follows the Peak 11-16 days later in a normal fertile cycle.

To avoid pregnancy the couple should apply the Early Day Rules and the Peak Rule.

To achieve a pregnancy the couple should apply the Early Day Rules in order to be able to correctly identify when the woman becomes potentially fertile. They should then abstain until she notices the slippery sensation. Intercourse over the days when the vulva feels slippery, at the time of the swollen vulva, and on the first one or two days past the Peak will afford the best chance of conceiving.

Accurate interpretation of the individual patterns of fertility and infertility and correct application of the guidelines is best learnt with the help of your Billings Ovulation Method™ tutor.
Sorry this is kinda gross for a thread topic but I've only just started tracking my cm since ov day this month despite Ttc for 2 years! Better late than never... I know I get ewcm mid-cycle but can't recall what is 'normal' during the 2ww. I currently have a mix of sticky/creamy/ewcm - it seems to vary throughout the day! Do any of you know what is common at this stage of the cycle (and the rest of the cycle for that matter!)? What are your experiences during your cycle? I'm on day 25 of a 28-30 day cycle. I risked a poas this morning but bfn. Bit soon probably but I'm such a poas addict!! ;)

To answer your question about what is normal during the 2ww, it seems that is quite individual to you. And a mix, as you're having, is not uncommon.

Sorry, I know that doesn't help much in terms of figuring out if you may have a bfp later.

Fingers crossed! x
Thanks, at least I know there's no point reading too much into my cm during the 2ww. Af got me today so back to ttc in a couple of weeks. X
I just saw your other post. :( I didn't realise you're planning a wedding at the same time. You have a lot on your plate, I'd be so stressed. I'm sorry it was a bfn this month. :( x

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