Loads of white cm


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2008
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Girls if i am on a 28 day cycle which am not sure of due to the failed ivf i had in december
all them drugs can make your af longer or shorter ....
So if its a 28 day i am on day 21 of cycle and should of ovulated day 15
today i have lots of pure white creamy cm loads when i go the toilet and wipe
and when i insert my finger to feel cervix it was high up and pulled out lots of
white cm and its not sticky could this mean i am due to ovulate and my cycle
is gonna be longer than 28 i have no more opks left i run out 2 days ago
I knew i should of got more :lol: xxx
I got lots off that when pregnant - I did used to get a bit before due on, but it really increased with pregnancy.
Hope this is what it means for you!!! :pray:

For ovulation youre looking for more clear discharge that sticks to your finger and thumb when stretched.
I've had loads of that and ewcm (blobs of ewcm occassionally but mostly recently it's been loads of creamy stuff) for the past few weeks now - not got a clue what it means but got a hormone profile done to see what stage I'm at in my cycle and should find out tomorrow at the latest. I can tell you cause it might help you figure out what's going on!
roseanimal said:
I've had loads of that and ewcm (blobs of ewcm occassionally but mostly recently it's been loads of creamy stuff) for the past few weeks now - not got a clue what it means but got a hormone profile done to see what stage I'm at in my cycle and should find out tomorrow at the latest. I can tell you cause it might help you figure out what's going on!

That would be great hun when you find out post on here
or i will look on your thread :hug: if i am on a 28 day cycle i am due on AF
28th january my af started 1st january ..

On the ovulation calander on the net it said 15th i will ov for a 28day cycle
I have had some ewcm little balls of it in with the white cm :?
I have no white cm what so ever today even when i have insert finger
none there but my cervix is still high and hard to reach :think:


Hi, i always get loads and loads of white CM after ovulation and up to AF... its pretty normal and a lot of other people are the same on here i think so dont worry :hug:

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