Tuggy cramps


Well-Known Member
Nov 3, 2010
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I'm definitely getting tugging low down cramps again today. AF not due until 19th so ages to poas. I'm on cd21 of 30 day cycle. 4dpo.
Covered in nasty spots too.
What feels like AF cramps in my lower back. Bit of nausea.
Really trying not to get hopes up cos I know it's massively early.
Early, yes but good signs.

I bet the 19th seems like a million miles away! Hang in there hun, hope it's a BFP for you. :) x x
Thank you! Million billion miles yes!
Hehe when you said it was a good sign I suddenly went all eek scared. What am I like!!

Hope your bfp is right around the corner too x

Can't say enough how happy I am to have found this forum and all you supportive lovely ladies :)
I'm definitely getting tugging low down cramps again today. AF not due until 19th so ages to poas. I'm on cd21 of 30 day cycle. 4dpo.
Covered in nasty spots too.
What feels like AF cramps in my lower back. Bit of nausea.
Really trying not to get hopes up cos I know it's massively early.
same dpo and same symptoms....hmmm?

Unfortunately loads of signs are really common and a lot of the time, not due to pregnancy so it's important (and extremely hard!) to keep levelheaded because the 2ww is one heck of an emotional ride. :(

Hope there's BFPs at the end for you (and you MrsMc) x x
Thank you! Million billion miles yes!
Hehe when you said it was a good sign I suddenly went all eek scared. What am I like!!

Hope your bfp is right around the corner too x

Can't say enough how happy I am to have found this forum and all you supportive lovely ladies :)

oh i;m glad i'm not the only one.....i'm doing this ttc thing but i'm absolutely terrified all at the same time!! If I get a BFP it will be a mixture of yippeeee and OMG!!!!!!!.......part of me wants to be a mum and part of me doesn't think i'm ready....i'm sure it will all click into place when it does happen... xx
I've felt the same Samsgirl, especially when I think of our child growing up into a teenager etc I panick about being too young etc but then I look at my husband and I just know that all I want, is to have his child and be a mummy. :) x x
yeah.....I have found the love of my life and it's the first time at age 34 that I have ever felt like i wanted to actually 'try' for a baby......it's the first time I have felt secure and happy enough to have one. I love the idea of being a little family but the responsibility and the labour terrify me.......but i gotta grow up sometime!! x
I love the idea of being a little family but the responsibility and the labour terrify me.......but i gotta grow up sometime!! x

I'll not lie, labour was awful.....BUT.....would I be here TTC again? And I'm still not grown up....I'm 38....kids actually keep you young! I spent the afternoon today with my 4 year old son making Halloween spider cupcakes and it was loads of fun.
I love the idea of being a little family but the responsibility and the labour terrify me.......but i gotta grow up sometime!! x

I'll not lie, labour was awful.....BUT.....would I be here TTC again? And I'm still not grown up....I'm 38....kids actually keep you young! I spent the afternoon today with my 4 year old son making Halloween spider cupcakes and it was loads of fun.
i am just so scared of it changing things so much that i don't recognise my life and me and OH anymore......sounds daft i know.......we are very, very strong and so i know it will only make our love and bond stronger.........oh i think i'm a bit emotional tonight..... xx
Tbh I don't feel scared at all I just can't wait to hold our baby in our arms!
suppose i only been getting used to the idea for a month...it's such a big step...one def not been taken lightly.....can't wait to see OH face when little one arrives........that will be amazing...!!

Might actually get him off his flipping xbox for 10 mins..ha ha..whoever invented call of duty needs shooting himself!! xx
Yeah, me too hun. I've never ever been in a relationship like this - well, of course I haven't, I married him lol! I feel so relaxed about our future and I know that we'll have a little one, it's just a matter of time... :) x x

Phew! I think you're right, emotional night for me too! ;) x
im feeling abdominal cramping too....and its been constantly there for a while now....roughly same number of dpo as yourself.

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