TTC this month then WTT for a year!!

If the spotting you've had is IB then it may take a couple of days to show up.

Keeping my fingers crossed for you hun and it's lovely to see you back here :)

Hi Hun,

How are you getting on with your tests? Sorry for your losses.

It's weird to be back I've such a love hate relationship with TTC! It's like an addiction! I do love the babies dearly though too!

I get all the old emotions coming back from the past stresses and I feel like it's always a drama!!

Will crack on with a Clomid cycle if Af comes.

I'll do a frer tomorrow anyway! 🙈

Very quick update..

Spotting gone completely now cervix has moved back up high as it was lower the past couple of days.

I missed a bloody call from the docs yesterday evening about my bloods but am sure after frer bfn's the past two days there wasn't any hcg anyway..

I may see something on today's frer but could last month and af came so doesn't mean much.



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Very quick update..

Spotting gone completely now cervix has moved back up high as it was lower the past couple of days.

I missed a bloody call from the docs yesterday evening about my bloods but am sure after frer bfn's the past two days there wasn't any hcg anyway..

I may see something on today's frer but could last month and af came so doesn't mean much.

12 dpo today, 3 days since potential implantation bleed and bfn.

I'm usually one for BFPs at 10 dpo and only ever got one at 12 dpo (twin pregnancy) once.

Don't feel at all like af is coming but I'd like it to because I've not got long to get cracking on a Clomid cycle as hubby goes away on the 2nd sept.

So I'll have to take it from CD1 to hurry things along!!

Anyone got a genuinely late bfp? I'm not hopeful like I said but I'm interested.

Any implantation bleed experience?


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We've had bloods taken from me and hubby and I've got a scan on 30th September to check the health of my uterus etc but don't know when we'll get any results at all.

I've always had a bfp by 10dpo with the first three pregnancies. My last one though I didn't have even a sniff of a line! Mind you the whole thing was weird as I then went on to have a period and then got my bfp on CD13! It's probably not the best comparison to make as it ended in mc and even my doctors couldn't make sense of it, but still was a bfp that didn't show up when I would usually see one.

Hi Hun,

I'm guessing you might be getting karyotyping then if they're doing bloods?

I had all the recurrent miscarriage tests bar this as I ended up going private and getting my septum removed.

I hope you get answers or just get lucky soon.

I'll never rule anything crazy happening as I feel like I've had most things happen already!!

Well another update..

I decided to call the nice gynae ward today who looked after me when I had the ectopic scare and get my blood results from Thursday's gp visit.

I had hcg- come back at 0
Progesterone was 13 (they like over 30 for ovulation conformation)

Totally expected the hcg as I've been getting bfn's but didn't expect the Progesertone result.

I've always thought I don't ovulate particularly well and have take progesterone I'm the past to support my first pregnancy but didn't take it with my second after being told I don't need it.

I'll certainly see if I can find a record of my levels from my second pregnancy.

The question is do I think I ov'd??

Yes I do- I had all the symptoms and I've never knowingly not ovulated before.

Do I think I could still be pregnant?


If the bleed wasn't implantation on Thursday then what on earth was it??

Good signs are opks looking darker, cervix mega high and tightly closed and not feeling like af is on the way.

I guess time will tell.

Tomorrow is cd 27.

Here is my latest opk..



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Yeah, I'm pretty sure they're doing karotyping- we won't get those results for at least six to eight weeks but the others should be back before then.

Do you normally get any ov pains or anything you could go off? You certainly had a good lh surge judging by your OPKs.

Does it have to be 30 or over to confirm ov or could you have ovved with a level of 13?

Yeah it will be karyotyping with the longer wait.

Yes I could have ov'd with the level of 13 however the date I had the cd21 could have been wrong or egg released wasn't viable.

I may get a repeat tomorrow out of pure curiosity!

What a bloody day I've had!!

I woke up to af full flow! I was delighted, happy to crack on TTC with Clomid next cycle.

Could I find my stash??


I turned the house upside down, I hid it so hubby couldn't hide it from me and I've no idea where I put it!

So I called my consultant who's secretary was arsey because I hadn't been seen for two years, I said it was because I didn't need to! Anyway got no call back so I had to order some new Clomid online! £15 and £25 private prescription.

Such a stress!

All sorted now and I'm trying days 1-5 I've done 3-7, 2-6 and 4-8 in the past.

I got twins on 50mg 4-8 so don't think I need 100mg.

Wish me luck!

Best of luck hun xxx everything crossed for you xxx

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