What a bloody day I've had!!
I woke up to af full flow! I was delighted, happy to crack on TTC with Clomid next cycle.
Could I find my stash??
I turned the house upside down, I hid it so hubby couldn't hide it from me and I've no idea where I put it!
So I called my consultant who's secretary was arsey because I hadn't been seen for two years, I said it was because I didn't need to! Anyway got no call back so I had to order some new Clomid online! £15 and £25 private prescription.
Such a stress!
All sorted now and I'm trying days 1-5 I've done 3-7, 2-6 and 4-8 in the past.
I got twins on 50mg 4-8 so don't think I need 100mg.
Wish me luck!