Strange OPK month, DPO opinions needed! Inc HPTs !!!

Hi hun. What type of progesterone are you on, cyclogest or a cream ? When are you taking it & what cycle days are you using it on. Progesterone should NOT effect a opk or a hpt, progesterone rises after ovulation to help support the pregnancy.

The follicle that the egg is in that ruptures to let the egg out well that sac continues to produce progesterone to help thicken the lining of the womb for implantation. If your not bfp then that sac will break down i.e ( corpus lutem ) & stops producing progesterone i.e your lining sheds.

If your on high amounts of progesterone before ovulation then this is gonna effect ovulation because its gonna trick your body into thinking you have already ovulated hence can delay ovulation. This is why i have asked what cd days your using this progesterone on. You should only be on progesterone the day after your 1st negative opk from having a positive opk. I.e 1st day of 2week wait. ??

Class the darkest opk as your main positive, 12,24hrs later ovulation will happen. Onec its gone lighter then consider that as 1dpo. Goodluck!

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Here it is :)

The darkest tests are from the day after i injected the 10000miu hcg, even they look pale compared to your OPKs Maybe.

The pale ones are just now. I'm not sure if you can see a line at all but there is a faint one on both. There is only a shades difference though so with such a dark OPK i'd expect it to show at leasy a sliver of a line on a hpt but that just based on me. Maybe it varies between people xx


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Star33 makes a good point that if you started taking progesterone before you ovulated that you could have inhibited the LH so that ov wouldn't happen.
Thanks Lou and Star! :)

I've taken progesterone since the 30th october.

This is today's OPK it's 30miu aswell.

I wish I didn't bother with them as I just want to get cracking with my Clomid cycle but I can't help thinking what if??

I would have expected yours to be darker Lou??

I am thinking aswell that maybe I didn't OV this cycle??

I'm gonna have one more day tomorrow and stop then I guess...



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I don't think I could have stopped OV as my first surge was Tue, very dark was Wed, even if I didn't OV til Thurs/Fri I didn't take it til the Sun.

Mine are 30miu too :)

I think the flash washed them out a bit and I do drink a lot during the day - none of them are FMU. I dunno lol
Thats a good surge. So you reckon you have ovulated before you started taking the progesterone then ?

They usually say to start progesterone 2 days after positive opk when your opk would be negative, that opk is still quite good i would of waited till you get a negative then of took progesterone. Good luck hun. x
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Hi Hun,

I did wait, see the first piccys! :)

God knows whats going on now?

Hi, When i had a dark opk, i had ones like this quite darkish still for a few days afterwards. There is pics in my diary in journal section. It should go negative after about 2 days since your darkest positive. Whats it like today hun ?

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Hi Everyone,

Having a drama again!!

CD 14 today, I had no cheapies and did a tesco and a diggi, not pregnant and no line, so I thought fine, I'll stop the progesterone and move on to next month, actually quite looking forward to it! :)

Then I've been out all day visiting a friend and her new bubba, with my other friend who's just had one and had a lovely day, came back to a pack of cheapies in my post box, so like you do I peed on one!

Anyway I can see the faintest line, very faint, could be an evap but I can see it, also my OPK is still dark too.

I decided to take my progesterone just in case and wait and see what tomorrow brings, common sense say's no way will I be preggers but something just says what if?

Can you lot see anything?



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I can see a little something on the hpt maybe but if you say it's an evap - well i've had plenty of evaps like that :oooo:

Even that apparently blank hpt i posted is now all dried and and really dark.

I would keep it up with the progesterone just for a few more days because you'll be kicking yourself if you get a late BFP. It's not like you are very confident when you ovulated either.

I hope you're alright xx
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FMU on OPK and HPT result?

Check me out with my PF slang-Oh how far I have come along!xx
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Slang?! Makes us sound like chavs...

... I much prefer lingo, makes us sound in the know ;)

Where are you Maybe :clock:
Hi Girls,

Well I can see more of a line today....:oooo:

I don't massively trust the clearblue + ones but I can see a blue line today.

The cheapies are darker than yesterday, the lines are pinky.

I've carried on my progesterone just in case, I'll kick my self if they're EVAPS as Hubby's off to vegas soon and I don't want to miss next OV on Clomid!

I'll be happy if I'm preggo of course, I guess I think it's a possibility, I think if I get more/darker lines I'll get bloods tomorrow.



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Sounds really promising I cam see a line there so if it's pink then I am full PF positivity for you. Xx
Hmmm interesting Maybe i can see a line on the cheapies and clearblue but i don't like them. I' wishing you all the luck x x
I think the same as Kirsty - i can see lines but i wouldn't call them positive for anyone but especially not you with your hpt history ;)

Still better than no line though!
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How did i miss this thread? i see lines on the cheapies maybe, i hope this is the start of a BFP for you :) xx

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