DS is now a year old and we are thinking about ttc no. 2 later this year.
I had LLETZ for high grade dyskaryosis when only 4 months postpartum (if I had known what I know now I would have waited a good 6mo before even getting a smear or at least waited another 6mo post smear to have a follow up instead of jumping into surgery right away!).
Anyway, the surgery seemed to take a while, and I worry about future pregnancy regarding carrying to term and dilating normally.
With DS the labour and birth was easy and straight forward, and I would absolutely love a home birth next time.
I have seen that you can get scans to measure cervix length to see whether it's still strong enough to carry full term and also that you can have some kind of cervical massage to break up any scar tissue, which should help with normal dilation.
Has anybody had these done before pregnancy or will they only do it once already pregnant?
I would like to be as prepared as possible and made sure I have done everything I can to maximise my chances of a natural birth again (ideally at home).
Also any experiences of pregnancy and birth after LLETZ would be greatly appreciated!
I had LLETZ for high grade dyskaryosis when only 4 months postpartum (if I had known what I know now I would have waited a good 6mo before even getting a smear or at least waited another 6mo post smear to have a follow up instead of jumping into surgery right away!).
Anyway, the surgery seemed to take a while, and I worry about future pregnancy regarding carrying to term and dilating normally.
With DS the labour and birth was easy and straight forward, and I would absolutely love a home birth next time.
I have seen that you can get scans to measure cervix length to see whether it's still strong enough to carry full term and also that you can have some kind of cervical massage to break up any scar tissue, which should help with normal dilation.
Has anybody had these done before pregnancy or will they only do it once already pregnant?
I would like to be as prepared as possible and made sure I have done everything I can to maximise my chances of a natural birth again (ideally at home).
Also any experiences of pregnancy and birth after LLETZ would be greatly appreciated!