if any1 has any advise plzzzzz
my AF isnt due for another 2 weeks, but she turned up yesterday with a vengence.

ive not been TTC coz i have a colposcopy appointment on friday this week and was told not to TTC.
a few years ago i had pre-cancerous cells at a moderate level, had lletz treatment and during my last check up i was told i had them again at a high level, so have to go in on friday for treatment. just wanted sum advice as im quite qorried coz i was told i shudnt get them again but here i am 2 years later with HIGH levels of the cells this time.
my GP said the AF bleeding cud be a symptom of things progressing even further than 1st thought.i dont think id be quite this worried but my mum had exactly the same at 2 years older than i am now {31} as did my gran at a youngish age.
has any1 else had this as im really qorried..

thanx in advance