TTC after being on the pill...


Well-Known Member
Nov 13, 2008
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Hi everyone just a bit of advice...

I've been trying to concieve after being on the pill. I stopped taking my contraceptive (Dianette) for just over two months.

Last month AF did not arrive,although there was very slight spotting for two days a week beforehand, but urine and blood tests showed BFN.

This month I have had even lighter spotting but it is just under two weeks early.

Any advice or ideas why this is??

Thanks xxxx

P.S ignore the ticker I think I made it wrong :?
:wave: Welcome to the forum :hug:

It can take a while for your body to adjust after coming off the pill some people go straight on to a regular cycle with a proper period while it can take others 6 months or so, everyone is different. When I came off Dianette 5 years ago now I remember my periods being messed up and really light and just for a day and that lasted for a good few months (at the time I thought it was great but I wish I knew what I know now :) )

Not sure what to suggest really :think: Have you been to see your doctor about this? If not then I would see what your next period is like then maybe go see him/her.

Hope your cycles get better soon :hug: :hug: :hug:
hi :wave:
i came off dianette in june so hopefully can be a little help. I had my withdrawal bleed a couple of days later as normal then nothing. after about 2 months i made an appointment with the doctor. they sent me for blood tests to make sure there was no hormonal problems. they came back fine so she just told me to wait and come back in 3 months if still nothing ( this is the worst thing if you want to ttc and thought u'd be able to try starting straight away!) anyway after convincing myself i was infertile after reading all the hooror stories about dianette on the net (honestly don't search the net!!!) i decided to go to see a reflexologist that specialises in rebalancing the menstrual cycle- i was very doubtful but desperate!! anyway 14 days later my first af arrived and i have never been so pleased to see her (102 days in all!!)
after that cycle i started using opks and found i ovulated on day 28. i have now just had my 2nd af and hoping to ovulate a little quicker this time.
in summary it takes time to get back to normal- as hard as it is to be patient (believe me i know!) you just have to. so many people have had problems after coming off the pill and especially dianette (due to higher eostrogen??) but it will happen. :hug: if it helps put ur mind at rest go to ur gp and ask for blood tests.
what were u on dianette for can i ask? just as a contraceptive or for irregular periods, bad skin etc.
It really does vary how long it takes people's bodies to settle after coming off the pill.

I came off Ovranette last January and had a grand total of 3 periods all of last year (however, I did have a lot of stress at the time which might have contributed)!

I've settled into a 31 day cycle now - still not as regular as I was when I went on the pill at 18 when I had a perfect 28 day cycle you could set your watch by - but fine and easy enough to predict.

Don't panic - just give your body a little time to adjust :hug:
same here! was just asking as i know they put people with pcos on dianette. good luck

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