true period after being on pill


Active Member
Oct 23, 2011
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Hello I wrote yesterday about coming off the pill and when do your true period starts well I have a proper period now so I'm taking it as good news my body is trying to get back normal I stopped my pill on october 11th so roughly a 35 day cycle but next month shall I go 35 days again so hopefully shud ouvulate in two weeks is that correct? X
Hi babybaby3, have you got any ov tests? Ov can vary and it's not always bang on two weeks after your af. For example mine tends to be around day 20. And then I get my af around ten days later. Also it has taken my body quite a while to readjust after the pill but the fact you have had your first proper af already is a good sign!
Good luck xxx
This is my second cycle off the pill and going by OPKs my cycle is 5 days shorter than my first cycle. I would recommend OPKs to get an idea of when you ovulate and therefore having a good idea of how long your cycle will be. xxx
I get mine cheap off ebay (£3-£4 for 15 plus 5 pregnancy tests), they are called One Step. You use them as you would use a pregnancy test, just wee on the stick, but it's recommended that you DON'T use your first morning urine unlike a pregnancy test. You then wait to see if the second line is as dark or darker than the control line which means it is positive and you are likely to ovulate within the next 24 hours or so. If the second line is faint, then this is negative. They have worked for me so far. xxx
Ok great thanx I'm going to get some when wud u use them a week after your af?

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