Trying over 1 year thread


Well-Known Member
Oct 30, 2006
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I know theres a few of us who have been trying for over a year, so thought it might be nice to have our own support thread :D

Weve been trying for 16 months now and I have my cycle day 21 progesterone test on tuesday to check if im ovulating but im pretty sure I am!

On that horrible 2WW now but im pretty confident this month :D

I get so frustrated, I know everyone does and thats absolutely normal but sometimes I just think why the hell is it taking so long?
well its been almost ten months for me(almost a year :D ) and i as well keep thinking why the hell is this taking so long?
My hubby and i started trying on my birthday last year, june 22 2006. i hope the best for you as well ggg...:) :hug: :hug: :hug:
Me and Jase have been trying for a year this month.....taking forever !

Good Luck everyone.... we will get there x

Can i join in?! Me and my husband have been trying for 15 months now. Its very frustrating!!

I think i ovulated 5 days ago, so i'm also in the 2ww. Although i dont hold out much hope!

Good luck to everyone and i hope to speak to you all soon,

Michelle x
Hi!! :wave:

Can I join in please?!!
Me and OH have been trying for 21 months!

Got to the point where we don't even get excited near when my AF is due...

Hi all :wave:

Liviray, I know what you mean about not getting exited, I used to start testing quite early then get upset every time it was BFN but I dont test now until I have good reason to think I might be preg, tho I had a bit of a wierd month this month where i thought my AF wasnt normal and that I could be pregnant from last cycle, but now ive sen that ive ovulated im obviously not and feel a bit foolish - you kinda learn from that dont you lol!

Fingers crossed for everyone, I wont be about much this week as my teenager is down for the week, but I'll pop on when I can and hope to see some BFP's :pray:
We've been trying since June 06 but I have mc inbetween so nearly a year.... d I count?
15 months today :shock: wheres the time gone , asked hubby if he wished he'd let me try earlier ( wanted to try for a yeart b4 we did - when i came of pill jan 2005) and he said if he knew it was gonna take so long he wioulda ! he thought id have fallen straight away !

quicky notes on me ,

dermoid tumour in right ovary being removed 10th may
PCO in left ovary
over weight :roll:
had all cd21 tests etc sometimes theyve been inconculsive.
charting for 6 months now.

dh is waiting for his swimmer test results :pray:

not alot happenign at mo , consultant checking tubes when he does my removal etc

and im current 13 dpo :pray: but due to partying last night my temp is not acurate !
Came off the pill Oct 00 (yes that long ago)

Not really trying but wasn't doing anything to stop it. It took til Jan 05 to get back to normal. (doc said that was normal?) Since then TTC by following my ovulation dates from another website- no luck. loads going on in my life and put TTC on hold until July 06. trying with no luck since then- also following ovulation dates from another website.

Too scared to go to docs cos I'm overwieght and don't need them to tell me thats why I'm not PG. Doing well though and lost over 3 stone now.

Hundreds of tears and tantrums later my DH found me this forum last weekend. I bought the book 'taking charge of your fertility', registered with fertility friend and learned more about my body in the last week than I have in my whole life.

Started charting and I suspect that I have an underactive thyroid- really low temps. Not hopeful about falling naturally but at least I'll be armed with my charts when I go to the docs.

Loads of baby dust to you all x
Hi Leanne welcome to the forum, glad you found us!

How is everyone doing?

Ive not been concentrating on anything this month, havnt even been taking my temps every morn but I know we BD'd on OV day so fingers crossed the relaxed approach may have worked!

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