Trying to get pregnant


New Member
Dec 1, 2010
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Hi everybody, me and my husband are trying eagerly to get pregnant, and have been trying now for 3 months, im only 25 and my husbands 27, but I didn't think it would be this difficult. We have been trying around the ovulating period, but my menstrual cycle can vary, so it sometimes 28, 29, or 30 days. Is there something wrong with us, and how do i go about bettering my chances of getting pregnant?
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Hi there, Im totally new to it all as well and Im only in my first month ttc. I think we all expect to be pregnant straight away but Ive read that a healthy couple can take up to 12 months to conceive. GL x
Hi Hayat and welcome to PF!

Don't worry about it taking longer than expected... Like Cherrybinky said, perfectly healthy couples can take anything up to 12 months to conceive.

Are you using OPK's?

Hey there good luck on your journey ttc. xx
hiya hun and welcome to PF, the girls on here are so nice and will be able to help you with almost anything as the other girls have said it can take a healthy normaly functioning couple up to 12 months to fall pregnant so dont worry
we all know TTC is an emotional rollercoaster but u have come to the right place for support huny
good luck in ur ttc journey XX
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Hi, just wanted to say welcome! If you have a rummage through some old threads you will be amazed at the things us girls go through to increase chances......taking temperature every day, peeing on opk sticks, shoving pillows under bum after sex, legs in air, upside down etc etc etc. I think main advice is know your cycle, know your body, relax, be healthy, exercise, , eat well and that goes for both of you! If you smoke, stop. If you drink, cut down especially 2nd half of cycle. Oh and have sex!!! Lots of it but keep it fun and don't start "baby making" pressure too much. ..... most bfp seem to happen on here when relaxed approach happens, don't need to have sex every day, keep the spermies good quality, say every other day or 3 days ..... just my thoughts I'm no expert! Good luck ttc and you will get all the help, advice and support you need right here!!!!
Hi and welcome! Your surrounded by advice and support on here. TTC is a rocky road to travel down. The best thing to do is get yourself some cheap opks, find out when you ovulate and the go hell for leather in the bedroom!! Also, cut down alcohol and other naughty things that could affect your chances. The most important thing is relax and enjoy the ride!! (Excuse the pun!) It will take time, but we are all here for each other. Good luck and lots of baby dust to you x
Hi, dont get disheartened if it takes a little longer than you think. Your cycles are completely normal so it's just a matter of getting sperm to egg! My sister took 3 years trying for her second, but got there in the end! :dust:
Hey Hayat
I thought I would come ove & say "Hi"
I haven;t got any advice really, in complete agreement with the girls
I wish you luck on your TTC journey
Hi there! :wave:

Just wanted to say a quick hello and wish you lots of luck and baby dust on your TTC journey! All the girls on this board are lovely, it's a great place to come for advice or to just chat to others who understand and who are experiencing the same things you are. Have you started taking folic acid yet? x
Welcome to the boards.

Your cycles are about the same length as mine. :) I'd recommend picking up some OPKs so you can be definite about when you ovulate.

I've also been taking my temperature on a morning and although it hasn't helped pinpoint exactly when I ovulated, I've seen a definite temperature shift and so that combined with the OPKs has helped so I know we did the deed at the right time. :)

There's loads of great girls on here so jump in and if you've got any questions there's loads of people who'll help you out. :)

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