

Oct 1, 2007
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Hi guys

I dont know if this is the right place to post this...

I just joined here - and i'm sort of worried about my pregnancy.

I'm 9 weeks gone, and last night I started spotting. It stopped for the majority of yesterday afternoon, and got a bit heavier in the evening. It's still quite light, nowhere near even light period. It stopped again this afternoon, but i'm still worried..

I have an appointment to have an US tomorrow morning but i was wondering if anyone here had gone through anything like this - and if it was... i dont know if OK is the right word heh.

Thanks to you all

xoxox ~Sam~ xoxox
The best you can do is read a book, or play a game that'll take your mind off this until you have your ultrasound. I know how worrisome these things can be, but try to remember that there are tons of woman who have has spotting and bleeding that have continued to have perfectly healthy babies.

I'm so sorry you're going through this rough patch, I hope the best for you. :hug:
Good luck tomorrow, bleeding is common in pregnancy so I hope all is well & it turns out to be nothing to worry about :hug: :hug: :hug:
Hiya, welcome to the forum and sorry if you seem a bit worried.

Try not to worry :hug: if you experience any of the following go to a and e.

You experience cramps or any type of dulling dragging pain
The spotting goes from a brown discharge to a bloody red Or you have any clots.

I agree bleeding is quite common for some women but its also best to have it checked it.

Im hoping by now it has died down a bit :) and good luck for tomorrow

Best wishes

thanks all for your kind words

im not in any pain as such at the moment - just slight cramps but not any worse than ive been having for the last few weeks.. i had an eptopic scare then but the dr's said everything was okay.

ill just have to wait until tomorrow and see what happens!

thanks again
Good luck with your scan - hope it's all ok :hug: :hug: :hug:
well - ive just come back from my scan.

not good news either. ive lost my little jellytot at just 8weeks6 days.

cant stop crying and feeling very numb right now - will keep you posted.
Im so sorry to hear that hun, you must be devastated. If you have any questions or want to chat then let me know :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
i wrote a few things down to... i dont know why, i just did.

August 30th - October 2nd

My baby was alive on these very special days,
But he was an Angel and God took him away,
He was my baby, my special little boy,
So tiny and perfect, meant to bring so much joy
So sleep little Angel and don’t you cry,
For we’ll meet again, the day that I die!

I wish that you were here, but God needs you in his playground. I'm so sorry
that we never got to meet and I am so sorry that your daddy never got to meet
the little boy that meant to much to him right from the start. I would give
anything just to hold you one time.

You have been given these wings my angel so that you can watch over us both and
ensure that we are safe.

We'll never forget you and we'll love you forever.

I'm so so sorry hun, :hug: the ladies in here are really supportive and fabulous so if you need to talk or to ask questions just go for it.

:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

So sorry for your loss hun :hug:

There are unfortunately a couple of us who are going through the same thing this week so if you ever want to PM us please do xxxx
hi guys

just a quick question but ill update you first.

i feel a bit better this week - got a hospital appointment on friday to see if i need a d & c.. hopefully not though! just trying to stay happy and healty :) which leads onto my question...

how soon after a miscarriage can you start having sex again? not to conceive, but just in general, as everywhere ive looked on the internet is just about trying again.

thanks in advance and thanks to you all for your support


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