Triplets helllpp!!

I hope you are ok, what a hard situation to be in and I bet a complete shock. I hope you make the best decision for you xx
Wow just caught up with your thread. Big congratulations to you. I have no idea what i would do in your situation but what ever you decide to do - it will be the right one im sure :). :hugs: xx
Wow what a shock for you Misty, tough for descisions for you, but no one can judge you either wsy whatever you choose. Do ring up some organisations about multipule pregnancys, so you get as much info on coping with three plus 1 so you make the right choice for you both without looking back X

You can get free support in that first year, with home helps that can come in to help you. And your 3 year old will be a better age by then for nursery, school to reieve some of the pressure. It would be very hard but 3 babies could also be fantastic.
Misty I've been wondering how you are?? xxx
aww come back i wanna know how ur getting on hun?? xx
Hi, just seen this and was wondering how things are now and how your feeling? Please keep us posted xxx Thinking about you x
oh goodness, surely thats not good news then if shes not been on since....? :( I wish I knew ...
Yeah I've thought about her a few times since she wrote this. If you read this hun, we're thinking of you!

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awwww congratulations first of, i couldnt terminate any and i would go ahead with all 3, nature has its ways,

however i know what you are sayin it is a big big shock n it defo will be alot harder then just the one you had planned for, sayin this i think at the mo shock is hitting in and you are just thinking about the utter worsed, there is aot of help out there for people who find there selfs in this situation, fingers crossed you get it sorted x x x x
Its a shame she's not been back online since posting this, it would be good to know what she decided. If you're reading this hun hope you're ok and made the right decision for you and your family x
Misty's statistics say that she last visited on 21st December so hun if you are still there we are all thinking of you - let us know how you are :hug: xx
i often think about her too and wonder how she got on hope she doesnt think we would judge her if she did decide to decrease the amount of babies

if your reading this come back and let us know how your doing xxx

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