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I suppose I can come in here now! From LMP my due date is 1st November but my ticker is saying 30th October. Got my BFP yesterday 25th Feb and CBD I saying I'm 5+ weeks. I would say put me as 30th Oct for now subject to scan.

I will have to have a c section at 39 weeks anyway so will most certainly be an October baby if all goes to plan xxx
All update for you Bella2, Nat26 and Laura_C :)

Surely we must have a November baby by now with all the great bfp x x

he he, yes you do have a november baby. BFP today :) EDD 10th November eek!
did a test on 15th feb got bfp, due on 24th october :) xx
Hi all, I finally got my 12 week scan booked for 15th March, fingers crossed it all goes ok xx
such a good idea m2a,

bfp = 26th feb and due date 1st of november

All done for you Binzy and babyA :)

Another November baby :yay: x x

12 week/nuchal scan booked today, only 2 weeks to wait 14th March. It's mad, only 2 weeks, feel like my BFP was only yesterday! x
Hi Guys... My first day of my LMP was 26th Jan, tested on Friday 25th Feb and due date says 2nd Nov. Can you add me xx

I still can't believe it! I am so blessed! I am worried about something though...Ive been getting stupidly stressed over nothing and feel my hormones going wild. I have been getting pains around my tummy on and off and sometimes they can really pin! (like neddle pin pain) Is this normal? My midwife appointment is on 7th March but should i do something before hand. Im not in agnoy either!

All updated ladies :)

Bet you cant wait till your scan yorksmummy :yay: x x

I can't, I just want to see him/her, then breathe a (small) sigh of relief until the next scan. x
OOOOO what a great idea....my dates are:

First BFP - 12th Jan
Due Date - 20th Sept
First scan - 11th March

thanks ;)

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