Toy guns


Well-Known Member
May 5, 2006
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Do you agree with children playing with toy guns, knives etc?

Personally I wont let Josh have them but OH and my friends think Im being a bit over protective.

Surely someone agrees with me. There are kids killing kids with guns these days, it aint playing anymore, its real life and I dont want my son growing up assuming guns are play things.

Whats your opinion? :)
i was dead against it hun when i had my son and wouldnt let him have a gun but i went out one day when he was about 2 and a half and he was playing with another boy from next door and they had got sticks going bang bang so i dont think you can really stop them and i think its all part of growing up.If only we lived in an ideal world
my kids love to play with swords and bows and arrows. They pretend to be pirates etc.
x-kirsty-x said:
Do you agree with children playing with toy guns, knives etc?

Personally I wont let Josh have them but OH and my friends think Im being a bit over protective.

Surely someone agrees with me. There are kids killing kids with guns these days, it aint playing anymore, its real life and I dont want my son growing up assuming guns are play things.

Whats your opinion? :)

I agree with you
I was always dead against it but with water pistols and stuff you can't really avoid it.

Mason got bought 2 electronic "laser" type guns that shoot each other so it's a bit like laserquest. It's kinda fun actually.
i don't like guns though. i haven't seen any in the shops for years though.
my dad makes mine their swords and bows and arrows :D
Oh yeah, Josh has things that shoot out discs and stuff, I dont have a problem with them.

I just dont like the ones that are made to look exactly like real ones. Maybe Im just too over protective :oops:
x-kirsty-x said:
Oh yeah, Josh has things that shoot out discs and stuff, I dont have a problem with them.

I just dont like the ones that are made to look exactly like real ones. Maybe Im just too over protective :oops:

its not a case of being over protective as not feeling it appropriate.

i don't think anyone really thinks guns are a good id-ea nowadays.
x-kirsty-x said:
Do you agree with children playing with toy guns, knives etc?

Personally I wont let Josh have them but OH and my friends think Im being a bit over protective.

Surely someone agrees with me. There are kids killing kids with guns these days, it aint playing anymore, its real life and I dont want my son growing up assuming guns are play things.

Whats your opinion? :)

i'm with you
i'm with you kirsty too, i would NEVER buy Josh a toy gun never.
my nephew has loads & until Josh saw them round there, he'd never taken any notice of them, but he knew what to do with it.
i agree & don't ever change your opinion or think you're too soft/over protective just because people you know disagree, i get this a lot, but i stick to what i believe in & would never budge what ever people think of me. :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
foxymum said:
i'm with you kirsty too, i would NEVER buy Josh a toy gun never.
my nephew has loads & until Josh saw them round there, he'd never taken any notice of them, but he knew what to do with it.
i agree & don't ever change your opinion or think you're too soft/over protective just because people you know disagree, i get this a lot, but i stick to what i believe in & would never budge what ever people think of me. :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

Thanks hun :hug:
I must admit I don't like seeing kids play with guns etc and I never bought any for Jamie, but someone bought him a cowboy outfit and it had a toy gun in a holster and he didn't know what it was and what to do with it, so I discreetly got rid. He still dressed up as a cowboy though, just one without a gun.
I don't know..........I'm torn :think: :think:
Obviously I don't want my son to grow up thinking its ok to kill. But both my brothers (and a whole generation) grew up playing with guns and swords and they grew up perfectly 'normal' and only a small (disturbed) percentage grew up unhinged. Was it the toy guns/games/swords???? Or just their own mentality?
I'll be interested in replies as Dan isn't at that stage, but it won't be long! Its a toughie :think:

(PS Urchin: laserquest is cool. We all went for my 26th birthday, so much fun lol)
foxymum said:
don't ever change your opinion or think you're too soft/over protective just because people you know disagree

BTW Kirsty, I totally agree with this. I won't let Dan eat nothing but organic food. No chocolate, sweets etc. If people that smoke come to my house, I make them change their clothes and wash up. I've been told I'm irrational. Bullsh1t! I'm his mum and I do what's best for my son. Sod anyone else, don't feel bad for doing what you think is right for your child :D :hug: :hug:
if i had a boy wouldnt let him play with them.

whos knows what will happen when their older
Oh Mason hasn't got any that actually look like guns. I'd never get him a proper looking gun like a toy rifle or anything, i hate them.
x-kirsty-x said:
Do you agree with children playing with toy guns, knives etc?

Personally I wont let Josh have them but OH and my friends think Im being a bit over protective.

Surely someone agrees with me. There are kids killing kids with guns these days, it aint playing anymore, its real life and I dont want my son growing up assuming guns are play things.

Whats your opinion? :)

totaly agree with u kirsty christopher may only be 10mths but he will not be playing with toy guns/knives or any other offensive toy...considering todays society i dont want him growing uop playing with these kind of toys.

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