
i held her hand close to it so she could feel the heat, didnt burn her thou just so she realised its hot, still ild never leave the fire on with her in the room but its an open fire with stones on it i dont want her playing in it.

my living room is soooo small just about get a sofa in it so fire gaurd not an option.
Im glad somebodys made this topic ive been thinking quite alot about it really. No offence to anyone who lets their kids swear but i think thats the main thing i want carey to know right from wrong, i cant stand to hear kids about 10/11 telling their mums and dads to F off and saying words like shit and arse! Ive been raised not to swear infront of my parents and thats the way Carey will know.

If Carey has done something wrong after already been told it is wrong then he will get a little smack on the bum. My brother and sister are 4 and 6 so i know how hard it is to try and keep calm when there being pains!

I think if were too strict with them there more than likely going to go out and do whatever it is we dont want them to do - I suppose thats part of being a parent and learning from experieces??

God i wish there was a guidebook on how to be a parent! lol
i to cant stand to hear a child swear. my lil brother is nearly 5 and when he was 2 to anoy my dad i used to teach him to swear... yes imature lil sod b4 i became a mum. then tyler would swear i am the oldest and he is the youngest of 5 of us so u can imagin how funny me and my yonger brother n sister used to find it... my dad used to go mad and he always said to me u wait till u have kids like i cared at the time. now dior is one and learning to talk my dad still promises me that he will teach her to swear :(
haha kylie has sworn @ me many times!!! i will tell her if its wrong and sey "no" and if she ignores me she has to go face the front door. but then she is fine. like shes not allowed to go in draws incase she gets her fingers trapped so i put her fingers in it n closed it gently so it squeezed her fingers (it didnt hurt her i promise :D) n now she knows that she shouldnt.
luv marylou xxx
realy, who tesches her swear words???

does she no they are swear words??
dior is 1yr and 1 month... please dont say in 9months she could be swearing

at the moment all she says is "tah" "mama" and "dada"

oh no the thought of her swearing :wall: :pray:
We had a few instances of Jessica saying 'shit' because she heard it from me. If I dropped something or done something it would just slip out and I noticed her say it one day. I didnt draw attention to it but didnt say it again in from of her and if I dropped something or tripped I would say 'oh dear'. She hasnt said it in a long time. SHe is very parroty though, comes out with words I wouldnt expect her to say but she only copies what she hears us say.

I agree with the fingers in the door.
When ever you go out for a meal and the person puts th plate in front of you and says carefull its hot. Whats the first thing you do??
grab hold of the plate of course!

dionne- when kylie goes round to my friend house she has ppl round there n they teach her to swear and my dad has taught her to say shit :( if i say to her not to say those words she laughs- she thinks its a game :(

@ 1 yr kylie could say mum n nanda (grandad) n bottle and by 18mnths she could say a bit more n now shes nearly two if you say something then she says it after you and she keeps saying it :( lol

luv marylou xxx
Your dad taught her to say shit??? :shock:

I'd be having words :?
lol its not too serious but i have had words. life is one big joke to my family tho so wat can i do? lol
luv marylou xxx

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