Tough decision

I'm not really sure how this has happened but I've told DH I'm leaving and I'm now browsing the web looking for somewhere to live. I wish I had somewhere to go to, I sold my house last year. I haven't the confidence to talk to him about this anymore, it's easier if I just get on with it and go. What a flipping mess!
could you go to a hotel for a night and leave your LO with OH? give you some space to clear your head? x
Hun dont make a decision that big while feeling like this. You need to open up to him he might not understand but im sure he will listen and support you even just a shoulder to cry on. I know how you feel I told oh I was leaving and looked for full time work eventually I talked to him and I feel much better im still down lots but knowing he is supporting me helps. X

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awww. hun. i know everything seems worse when you feel like this, but leavings not the answer. you need support when your this low. try talking to him again. or write down howyour feeling. xxx
Oh please please like the other girls.said don't make, if your finding it hard I'm not sure being by yourself with baby is the answer, please try to sit down and talk or even have a good hard cry on his shoulder, you CAN do this! Just wish I could.give you a hug xxx

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Please don't go, talk to him now. Maybe go stay at your mums for a night or the weekend, even tho they are old, your mum is still your mum, she might be able to offer comfort and advice. Wish we all lived local sometimes so we could physically help each other xx
I really think you need to go back to your doctors!!

Ive suffered with depression since a week after I got my positive pregnancy test last year and it took me till 3 weeks ago to go and get help from the doctors. I convinced myself I wasn't depressed, would lie on the HV tests because I didn't want them interfering and convinced myself that non of the medications would work. It was coming to the point where it was make or break for me and my other half, I left him one night and then a couple of days before I went to the doctors to get some meds I was very close to walking out on both OH and LO forever, it was watching Long lost family and seeing the women that had had to give up their babies when they had to due to their unfortunate circumstances that gave me the biggest wake up call ever and made me think to myself stop being such a selfish bitch and look after your amazing baby that you've been blessed with and are so lucky to have.

Colic is horrendous and Ive had first hand experience with it after Sophie suffered from it and constipation. My advice to you would be:

If formula feeding change to a comfort milk (I use aptamil comfort and wish Id used it from the beginning)
Buy some doctor browns bottles (they are lifesavers!!! and fit into usual sterilisers so you dont need to buy the doctor browns steriliser as well)
Warm baths with you getting in the bath with baby and skin to skin contact
Have a youtube search of colic massage (definitely works!!)
Moby wraps or any similar baby slings are brilliant for settling baby and give you a break, even if it is to be able to sit on the sofa watching tv and not end up with arm ache!

Whereabouts in yorkshire are you?? If you're close ish to me and havent got a moby wrap Ill happily lend you mine xx
like the ladies say please dont just leave. your lo will get better and you will forever regret it if you dont stick it out, its hell and we all sympathise but really just tell your hv or docs. why does your lo's colic make you want to leave your oh? would you leave her too? after ttc for so long im sure this isnt what you expected at all but i know you love your lo with all your heart, you just need a break and some help so talk to your oh and set him straight about what you need. if you need to go back to work then do go part time so you can still be with your lo cos im sure you wont like to miss out on her growing up due to a rash decision to work fulltime so quickly after having her.
I hope you're ok vikki?

Hoping you've spoken to your OH and are gonna get some support xxxxxxx
I hope you're ok sweetie.

I have felt like running away many times. I have cried and screamed and shouted and felt hopeless many times over the last 7 weeks as well. It's bloody tough this motherhood business, especially with a demanding baby. :hug:

I know it seems like the only option for your sanity at the minute, but I'm sure if you did it after a short while you wouldn't feel any better for it. Of course, it's not rational some of the things we think of doing when we are at the end of our tether.

Do you have a friend who could have the baby overnight and give you a break? I know I've been awash with folk telling me they would look after the baby. It half makes me snigger because I think to myself, you won't be offering again when you understand the reality of it.

If you can have yourself a break to recuperate and get your thoughts in order you might have a different perspective. A chat with the GP sounds like it might help if you are despairing and haven't got the support. Could your oh take some time off work?

Thinking of you xxx
anyone heard anything from her? hope everything is ok. xx
No heard nothing x don't know if anyone has her number?
Hang on in there it really does pass! Lacey was a nightmare and i was sooo depressed, its just awful having them crying and you can't help them. I agree with everyone about the tablets, are there any others you could try? I'm on sertraline from since Lacey was a few month old and they have really helped me! It DOES get better xxx
When I read these things about people just wanting 5 minutes away from baby I just wish I was nearby to come and help! Would it help to pay work a visit see your old work friends? Maybe one would even be up for helping out or are they all men?

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