well what a couple of days.


Well-Known Member
Jul 11, 2011
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Went back to the pediatrician yesterday for AJs follow up. I had a bad time with her last time struggled to understand her, she couldn't work out AJs age and thought he was 16 days old at 6 weeks, did the consultation in the play room and basically told me not to make a fuss as it was only colic! I went back and asked to see some one else whih unfortunately there wasn't! She was just as bad even asking what sex AJ was as she was undoing his nappy!!!! and asking in front of 2 other families if I had taken anti depressants in pregnancy! she then told us we were feeding him too much and thats what was giving him colic! WWWWWWHHHHAAATTTT!!!!!!!!!!! He is on 4ozs every 4 hours! She said we had to cut it too 3ozs every 4 hours when I asked what we do when hes hungry and she smiled and shrugged her shoulders. She then gave us some calpol and sent us home!!!!!!!!

As you can imagine I was furious and after speaking to my best friend I went too the shop and brought the aptimal baby milk for colic and constipation. This morning I have had 40mins play and smiles. The first ever!!!! I even wet for a wee and laid him on the bathroom mat and he laid they cooing at me. Never done that before! anyone else used this milk?
nope but i use normal aptamil and i think its great. im glad hes perked up for you hun and boo to the crappy doctor. id complain
She sounds horrendous :mad: that's awful when you're at your wits end :( x
Never heard of that milk hun! FX it helps him, poor little chicken!

I wonder if your consultant is related to the HV I saw last week?! Surely the gene pool for such stupidity has gotta be small otherwise we are all doomed lol.

You are such a trooper, AJ's lucky to have you :hug: xxxxxxxxx
Just proves mum knows best, presumably this doctor wasn't a consultant if she was I'd switch hospitals. So glad everything may be getting better xxx
its frightening really isnt it......

i have lost a little faith in the medical profession....well certain ones...ie the one who 'stitched' me and the one who decided i didnt need a section....i actually think this may be the same person!! xx
Aw hun :hug:

That's awful treatment by the consultant.

But I'm glad he appears better on the other milk xc
I use that milk and it was the best decision ever to change on to it! Xx
brilliant that youve had a happy AJ this morning, fingers crossed this milk helps x
Watching with interest as I may be tempted to switch. I read it's already part digested so easier on tums but can give babies green poo and the runs. Cow & Gate used to cripple my lo even the ready made xx
a lot of people get on better with that milk so glad it seems to be workin for you! and what an incompetant doctor?
Aww glad he has perked up for you.

It annoys me with the medical advice "professionals" give these days! X
Fingers crossed you've found the answer there then!! Don't even get me started on the medical profession, it seems they've graduated from clown school they're a joke!!

How's AJ now? Xxxx
We moved to normal aptamil & didn't see a difference tbh.

I find the paediatricians can be a bit....whats the word?? duno...but that way where...they've seen the worst a baby could possibly be (insert here all horrible things they've seen) and when its something relatively normal like colic or reflux they dont really have the time. Even though thats abosolutely no help to you. It must be the mindset they get into.

The thing is with colic there isn't really all that much that doctors can do about it, there isn't any meds really apart from gripe water/colief ect. I suppose you just need to sit it & and hope for the best.

Oh and regarding the doc shouting things in front of other ppl thats totally un-professional, and not knowing if you had a girl or boy. I'd def def complain, write them a letter, bloody rediculous. These guys get paid a fortune & dont even have the decency to show some respect!!!!

You've inspired me to switch, I'll try anything at the mo xx
You've inspired me to switch, I'll try anything at the mo xx

I had a screaming hour this morning but have done 2 good feeds from then. He is currently, after a 3 hr sleep, laying on his baby mat under his gym. Another first for today. Although he has amazing farts since last night. lol

I just felt anything was worth a go. It couldn't do anymore harm!!! Pm if you need too hun. xxx
Glad you've seen a dif with the milk.

Docs just have no empathy whatsoever.


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Well sounds good so far let's hope it start of a happier AJ xxx

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