Too early to test?


Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2005
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Hi Ladies,

haven't been here for a while as I was having a 3 month break after my last m/c but here I am again! I am on day 24 of a 26 day cycle and I have never felt this unwell at this early point before. I am knackered at lunchtime and have to sleep and this morning I threw up (I actually never even threw up with my first pregnancy- did it once with my second but not until I was 5 weeks.) I could be coming down with something or....? Is it too early to test? I usually don't get a result until I'm on day 30 but then my cycles have got shorter (26 days) over the past three months since I've been having acupuncture so is it worth shelling out the money for a Clear Blue? I'm not sure when I OV'd this month- it could have been day 12 or 13 which would make me 12 or 11 dpo I guess. I'm a bit scared of testing too early and getting no result as I know that once I've peed that's it as far as my will power goes and I'll be testing every day! I could get one for tomorrow morning I guess? It's not worth testing this early and in the middle of the day is it?

Also- and this is REALLY silly. I had been planning to not test until Thursday as that is Day 31 and also the 1st May and Cheri predicted (last November) May was going to be my lucky month. How silly is that?!

What would you do?
Hiya hun, i tested on day 26 of 30 with this pregnancy as i felt so rough i got a BFP straightway and i had a funny feeling i would, i would hold off until tomorrow morning at least you will be using your strongest wee then!

Hope you get your BFP :hug: :hug: :hug:
Thanks nw1- I remember you feeling so ill so early, it's why I'm feeling positive about it otherwise I'd just think I was coming down with something! I hope that means I am PG and that it might stick this time :pray: with my last m/c at 5 weeks my symptoms were slight and the results were very pale and never really strengthened. I have just bought a pack of Clear Blue so I might do one tomorrow morning like you suggest!

+++ :hug: :hug:
Sweetie, do you know when you ovulated? I tested 8 DPO and got strong positive. I have had the same symptoms as you since 3 DPO. I would test if I was you. :pray: ing for you to get BFP. It would be great if we all move to the 1st tri together :cheer:

By the way, Cheri was right for me. She said Birth month is Jan.. well, if all goes well, I will be due in Jan...
If it was me and I had a CB to hand, I'd have to use it :oops: but you are probably better off waiting to use FMU tomorrow. Good luck whenever you decide to test x
Good luck hun :hug: :hug:

I'm feeling a bit rough ATM too. Do you think that it could be symptoms of PG on CD23 of 28?

:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

thank ladies- I tested this morning and there was nothing I could hand on heart say was a positive although in a certain light I think I might be able to see a very thin start of a line once out of every three times I look at it if you see what I mean?! So I think I'll count that as inconclusive! I'm actually going up to my parents' house until Wednesday for my last acupuncture sesh so I won't be able to test again until Thursday anyway as I want to be able to tell my OH first and he won't be with me so...!

Oh I'm sorry the result wasn't any clearer for you!

I hope you get a BFP soon love

Baby dust to you xxx :D :D

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