Too Early?


Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2005
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Hi'ya. I've been ttc for 6 months and decided to 'not get too obsessed' this month and took it quite easy. At the moment i am currently on CD30 even though I am usually have a straight 28/29 day cycle. I tested this morning and it was -tive. Is it too early to test?
Hi Shez,

It could still be a little early. I know this is the hard bit but try and wait for a few days and try again. If your cycle was getting back to normal then it's probably a good sign if you are late.

Hopefully this will be your month! I'm looking forward to hearing when you getting a BFP!!

Vicky x
i've known people who have been pregnant to get a negative one week past AF date! Try to wait a few days longer before testing again. Good Luck.....
good luck with testing again in a few days hun hope af stays away for you :D

hey hayley i see your nearly due af when are you going to test hun? good luck hope you get a bfp this month :D
Hi Rach

I'm not gonna test till Fri - that's if AF doesn't arrive.... I'm due AF tomorrow but thought the longer i leave it the more LH hormone will be in my system. I've had AF pains for 2 weeks though! Don't know why i got them so early in my cycle... I usual get a few pains a week before AF is due!

Good luck to anyone testing soon
i did last month hayley i had af pains from 2 days after ovulation right through till af which i never have so im hoping that maybe my body is finally rid of the pill and thats why im having different symptoms been off pill 7 months now and last month was first time i felt differently to when i was on pill good luck hun xxx
Rach and Hayley... I had AF like cramping and sore boobs for 10 days immediately after ovulation and then no AF... and then a BFP !! so maybe this is your lucky month..... I tested day 1 AF was due and then again day 2 and day 3 and day 4 [I was in shock] all + ...

sadly it wasn't meant to be but I will remember those early signs with glee and hope I have them again sometime soon

good luck
thanks for comments ladies.

Hopefully we will be all pleasently surprised this month. Fingers crossed for us all.

Best wishes Sheree

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