Really bad testing early?


Well-Known Member
Mar 31, 2010
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Just been reading up on the internet on early BFP ... is it really bad to test early? whats the chance your gonna have a chemical?
When i found out i pg was a few month back...bfn before period then had 2 day period tested with opk after period and positive test but turned out it was a mmc and was nothing there, i still dont get it to this day lol. Its a funny thing this TTC.
Im nervous about testing early incase it doesnt stick...but i wont be able to resist lol.
Well if you can't resist, you can't resist and just have to take the risks associated with it... :)

I feel that chemical pregnancies may happen much more frequently than anyone realises.

Are all these pregnancy sympoms really in our head or are they actually symptoms from a chemical pregnancy that we will never be aware of?

Maybe that month i had every symptom under the sun, it was a chemical pregnancy - i'll never know, and don't care to actually.

I was reading up on something called "early pregnancy factor" that actually seems to be a molecule that could detect pregnancy as early as 1 day after conception and yet there isn't a product for it... maybe because there isn't much point in knowing in reality and it will cause much more heartache than reassurance.

Hold off as long as you can and not only will it increase your chance of getting an accurate result, but it'll also increase your chance of not being aware of a chemical pregnancy or early m/c.

Ignorance is bliss afterall ;)
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yeah totally agree,

whats the chance of me having 1 again if the first month i had 1? now this is roughly 6th? ive always got something to worry about lol.

also....really they could detect pregnancy from 1 day?
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I really don't know the chances of m/c or even if there would be any reliable statistics on it.

I know plenty of people that have have multiple m/cs, plenty of people that had just one and plenty of people that have never had one at all (that they know of) - the cause of them isn't even known...

Just one of those things :oooo:

Well they have used it to detect conception in livestock mainly, you know to see which animals don't need a repeat mating etc. I also read something about it being used to see when implantation failed in IVF patients and things, but it's been in research since the 70's so surely they would have made a test by now if they wanted to? There sin't really much information on it and humans.
I looked that up seems interesting but i don't think id want to know that early...although would be cool to know but the risk of chemicals...nah.
I don't think they will fetch it out either, well i hope not :-\
Hi Shauna,

As you know i'm in the same situation as you and I plan to test early because I'm interested to see if the same thing happens again as if it does then I'll be able to ask the doctor for advice on how to prevent it next time.

We're testing around the same time aren't we?

think im due on on the 6th but will be testing before lol im 4dpo today, u testing 4th? ill just be so nervous if i get a bfp early up until my period incase i come on. xx
I tested roughly around the time of af last month, I could have been up to 2 days late or up to 2 days early. I had 2 faint :bfp: and then that evening started bleeding. Tbh, I wish I had never seen those faint lines but I know this month I will be testing 14 days after ov. Also, I have my 21day blood works this week too. I think it is a personal choice about whether to take the risk of the hurt of a chemical pregnancy or not, personally, I won't test before 14 days after ov for that reason.


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