Too early to test today??

Aww Scandic, i'm sorry :(

It's is still early days and even thought i'm always preaching about waiting to test, that is just to try and instill some resolve in others because i know how much of a needless upset it can be.

I didn't wait until AF to test. I did it the day before because i just couldn't not test - i got my kick in the gut and robbed of my £7 and felt very annoyed with myself.

I don't think you are silly for testing - it's really hard not to and it could have come out very differently.

50/50 chance isn't worth it, a couple of day and the accuracy will be much better so give up hope yet, because i'm not :)

I think your still in with as good as chance as i thought you were before the BFN :D
OMG i did a lst one now.. I just had to a faint pink line turned up 1 minute after !!!
just took a pic quick here now.. can u see the lines?? :) xx

Omg omg omg omg!!!!! You've done it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Xxx
I am actually pregnant the symptoms are real!!!! I am crying here now haha..poor my man is so confused xxxxx
I KNEW it!!! The heartburn did it for me, thats why I kept checking on you xxx
I am soo happy for you xxxxxxx
The pic is faint but its stronger in real. and its so obvious!!! I cant believe it .. i knew it was something with my boobs lol... xxxxx
Thats a hell of alot darker than my 1st BFP this time round x
Don't be down if you get a bfn, i think it's too early, plus my doctor said that it needed to be the wee at 5 am and not the one after even if i went back to sleep, also the coffee could negatively affect the result, so if it is a bfn then dont worry, there are loads of reasons there why it might not show up, try again tomorrow or in a couple of days would be even better if you can wait x
OH MY GOD OH MY GOD IVE GOT TEARS IN MY EYES. YOUR PREGNANT! oh god oh god get over to the pregnancy bit to annouce xxxx big hug darling I am soooooooo over the moon for you xxx
right Ill calm down now...yes the hearburn and change in colour of your boobs xxx oh my god I honestly feel like crying xxx
Woot woot! Congratulations! Although the pic is grainy, I can definitely see a nice strong line there!

Lucia xx
It is a strong line.. I cant believe this.. My man is like.. are u still pregnant or did u get pregnant now? That was so quick from miscarriage to pregnancy... I did ovulate test and got positive already couple days after..negative pregnancy test last week so defo not pregnant from miscarriage.. And now positive pregnancy test this week.. A little bit confused but the symptoms been so strong the last few days :) Xxxx
I can see the line! Congrats I knew you were pregnant!!
your confused my heads realing ha ha. Right yes you can get preg immediately, a lot of women fall preg straight after having a baby as they are really fertile. Get yourself a docs appointment babe xxx
thank you and babydust to you all and hope this will be a good month for rest of u!!!!:pompom:

So happy but nervous same time.. Hope I dont lose this time.. the preg test is way much stronger than last pregnancy and the symptoms are too, so i hope i keep this one aswell...

Yay, congratulations! You must be sooooo excited!


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