Too early for buying stuff??


Well-Known Member
Aug 7, 2011
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I just wondered what other people's opinions would be on this. A friend is getting rid of her Mamas and Papas nursery furniture. It's in great condition and I'm not bothered about having everything new. It fits the (small!!) room we have perfectly.

The only thing is, I'm only 8 weeks pregnant, and although it doesn't bother me to buy it this early (I'm not superstitious, what will be will be whether or not I buy the furniture!) one of my friends said there was no way she would buy anything before her 20 week scan.

I can see her point in a way and haven't been out and bought anything else yet, but a few friends who know we are pregnant have already donated a few bits and bobs as well. Has anyone else started getting bits yet?? Am I tempting fate, or should I just take advantage of a good opportunity?!

My OH just says that if this bean isn't sticky there will come one that is one day, but will I be one of those creepy ladies you see in the movies with a perfect nursery and no baby??!! (Ok, maybe imagination is going into overdrive there!!!). Just wondered what people's thoughts were.
U can always get it and keep it in the loft or somethin till u r further gone. Might as well take advantage of the situation! I would!
never pass up a bargain as its meant to be for you. nothing that perfect happens for no reason
I can't resist a bargain myself. You can always Ebay it (god forbid the worst should happen).
its nth wrong buying things early and your oh has a vaild point, my oh is thinking like that too. But i wouldnt do it myself. i had a mc, it would have been 100 times more difficult for me to recover from that looking at an empty baby cot everyday.

saying that, my oh has never stopped fixing the babys room after the mc, but we are only fixing the floors, ceiling, paint etc and thats because the entrance is through our bedroom and we started renovating that too when we found out i was pregnant.
i've not started buying anything yet - cos i think it's a wee bit early, espcecially after having had a mc.

but I have to say I dont think i'd be passing up an oppertunity of a bargain, the situtation is there and you cant wait to be further on to take advantage of it.

Go for it.

I wouldn't buy it yet. I've had a mc and the the very first thing I did when I found out was rid my house of anything that reminded me of it/being pregnant. This would be rather difficult to do with loads of furniture.

Like Hope81 said I wouldn't do it to myself.

I am completely paranoid and probably won't buy anything for a really long time anyways.
I would say buy it if it's a bargain but store it somewhere else (does your mum or anyone have room in their garage?) That way you're not bringing it into the house and it can stay where it is for as long as possible/necessary.
I would say the same as lots of others have said really, if you see something you really like and it's going cheap then buy it but store it somewhere else because you just never know what might happen, I'm paranoid too and didn't buy anything until after my 20 week scan as I wanted to be sure everything was ok with the baby and plus I wanted to know if it was a boy or a girl :)
I think Binzy is right, if you can store it somewhere else, go for it!

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