Today's hospital appointment and scan.

Mervs Mum

Well-Known Member
Oct 26, 2009
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Back home from the hospital and all ok. The scan showed placenta/cord function normal but they cant measure his tummy again till next week.....apparently you need 2 weeks between abdomen measurements to get an accurate reading.....which makes me think they cant honestly think theirs anything THAT wrong or they wouldnt have said they wanted to induce me then allowed me to go 2 more's all quite farcical....

Sid was happy - playing with his feet! :cloud9: After the scan the Dr managed a sweep and said I was 1-2cm so at least things have progressed in just under a week. I was 1-2cm at this point with Hebe and she was still 10 days away so I know it doesnt mean anything. I have to go back again next thursday for repeat scans.....Dr's note reads 'OK for home delivery if labours between'..... Let's hope I do! :D
:yay: brilliant news hun. I think sid should come out now like, i wanna see fresh baby pics :lol: xx
:yay: so glad you've had the green light for your home birth! Hope he decides to make an entrance soon!
brilliant news hun! you can sit back and relax.. for a bit anyway, hehe :) xxxx
Glad scan went well and have the green light for the home birth you want - not long now!!
definitely sounds like a green light for a home birth to me! Fingers crossed Sid decides to make an entrance before the next scan!
A beer a bath and a bonk is what my midwife told me last time :thumb: xx
Well I had the beer (with curry) and the bath and set off for the bonk but it didnt materialise.....:lol:
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Well lise, the bonking is all for the spermie to ripen your cervix but i'm you know the news that it is more effective if its digested, i'm sure if you offer OH a BJ it will defo materialise :rofl: xx
OMG Lisa's OH has hacked toonlass' PF account!!!
Glad all going well hon - fingers crossed for a great home birth xxx

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