My last appointment at the hospital PLEASE GOD!

sort it out you 2 were in 3rd tri here not one of your 2 smutty threads in girlie!!
Any news on Mervs Mum today? Did I miss anything?
I think I'm what you might describe as 'niggling'.....
do you reckon tonight will be the night then?
I wouldnt like to say really. It's hard because each labour has been different so unless my waters go like last time I'll probably sit here in denial for hours!
well so glad everything is going to plan, I cant wait to hear about your hypnobirthing experience, its gonna be fab! :)
i'm sorry lisa but 'niggling' is just not good enough. I want broken waters, full blown contractions with deep breathing the works. Howay man, get moving woman, i wanna see fresh baby pics!! xx
I've been fettling today so I'm ready. stripped the beds for the second time this week - even the dogs bedding's been washed today! Got me plastic sheeting fact I nearly put it on the bed but I thought if I dont start and I have to sleep on it I'll be sweating like a b@$(@5d!
gotta be close then chick, i'm ever so very excited for you mate xx
Come on Sid !!!! come out , Much easier for visitor to travel to see you at the weekend!
I dont think we're a million miles off but I dont like to say too much ;)
JJ the visitors can feck off!! I wont tell anyone in real life he's here for 24hrs!! :rofl:
OOOHHH I'm getting excited, he'll soon be in your arms.
i know what you mean, its like me doing them threads about going to hospital and nowt came of it, everything stopped, i felt like a right divvy, i'm saying nowt unless i am 100% from now on like xx

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