Today we shall be eating...


Well-Known Member
May 29, 2007
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Roast Lil miss...

Shes managed to break my mobile and my laptop in just one day (ergo I might not be on so much over the next couple of weeks until its fixed)... she has also done nothing but winge and cry and winge and cry.... So I shall be roasting the baby tonight and I might have scrambled Tia for dessert because I got called in to see her teacher because she hasn't been handing in her homework, despite spending 4 hours a night doing it, shes been telling him she hasn't... so I got called in and berated for not making Tia do her homework where EVERY NIGHT I end up having a massive argument with her because she is messing around not doing her homework...

I've decided I'm going to eat one of them tonight... maybe just an arm or a leg... but one of them is going to be dinner... :roll:

And I have a splitting headache :( Its one of THOSE parenting days where I just want to run away.
:wall: and you still have night time to go :( Is Lil miss getting any better with her sleeping? Sorry you're having a rough day. I had a day like that yesterday but with only 1 child!

Maybe you should auction your nappy bin on here - it's in such high demand, you could make a small fortune ;)
she was doing well... But she had a cold, and its left her with this irritating night cough... so she wakes several times... shes not sleeping, I'm not sleeping, DH is not sleeping (Tia is but shes a lazy moo :lol: ) I feel crap :(
Had the same thing with LO and the night cough. Wakes herself up with it. Seems like everytime LO makes a bit of progress, something happens that knocks her back. OH has to get up at 4am and she has chosen to wake up at around 3am and stay awake until about 5am - so all 3 of us are up at 3am and dead by lunch time and I have to work in the evenings. :wall:

You're working a lot too aren't you? Don't know how you keep going with no sleep, two children and everything that brings with it. I'm sorry you feel crap :( Will you be able to have bit of a break at the weekend or is that not realistic? :hug:
:wall: :wall:

:( :(

:hug: :hug:

hope you get some rest over the weekend and feel better soon honey. failing that, i hope tia & lil miss are v tasty!! :evil: :lol: :lol:
Aww, hun sorry you are having a rough day with the kids, ... I would roast em too! with new potatoes and little onions and mushrooms! :rotfl: :rotfl:

Eat the bum first cos it's the tastiest............... :rotfl:

Hugs for you :hug: !

Kim x x x x x
I know how you feel - Finlay has done nothing but whinge for the past week. It driving me potty!

Have a nice dinner! :lol:
:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

Naughty girls.......good thing they are so blimmin gorgeous eh? :roll:

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