To anyone who took Aspirin during pregnanacy...


Well-Known Member
Jul 10, 2007
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Hi there,

Thought this might be the best place to post this.

I reallly need some advice, I have had 3 miscarriages two of which were consecutive, however im preg again.

I had bloods done which did not reveal any blood clotting disorders but the lady at the EPUs suggested I take 75mg aspirin.

I started this today, however it has more or less immediatly triggered my asthma, i know this because my asthma has been very good and well controled on meds.

Im unsure what to do now but would be interested to hear others pov on the aspiriin???
could you try taking just half an aspirin each time??
I think mandspice is taking asprin too so she might have some more info.
Take medical advice, Sharne. It seems daft to take asprin if its going to trigger your asthma. If there's no evidence of a blood clotting disorder, then I would challenge why asprin is going to make a difference?
OK, not a mum but am an asthmatic. I'd always be wary about taking aspirin unless I'd spoken to my GP (and MW also during pregnancy).

Was the lady at the EPU aware of your asthma? If so did she explain the risks etc?

Are you happy to continue taking it and do you feel able and happy to control your asthma with increased doses of your meds? If its well controlled atm, and you are not maxing out to counteract the aspirin, your GP/MW may feel its benificial to continue with the aspirin.

I'd seek further medical advice before taking more though.
Thanks fort he advice girls helped alot.

I think im going to consult my GP as it must be better for me to be in good shape rather then put myself and bub at risk...

I don't feel as bad as i did earlier but still worried about the risk of it setting the asthma off, my nose is also streaming which seems odd as it was fine before...

The tiny pill won't affect the baby will it????
Aspirin is/has been studied and trials have been run with regards to pregnant women who have had previous MC's iirc. Along with another drug I forget the name of. I am not sure what the findings were. A quick google will get you info. Also I recall a recent discussion in first tri about aspirin also. Someone was taking part in a trial iirc.

My GP said asthma was not a problem in pregnancy. Apparently many asthmatic women suffer less asthma related problems when PG then when not :roll: Nor is increasing your asthma meds a bad thing. They don't harm LO.

Your nose streaming is possibly an early PG symptom not asthma related :) I recall a number of women mentioning this as one of the things they noticed getting in first tri. I did also. Never felt it was to do with my asthma, as that is a totally different feeling body wise.

*Edited to add this link about aspirin in pregnancy Interesting reading.
Steelgoddess said:
The tiny pill won't affect the baby will it????

One pill isn't going to hurt. It's a very low dose. I did read up about single dose use and it does not seem to be problematic.

Go see your GP asap and wait to talk to him/her before taking anymore is all I'd suggest. They may be all for it and help monitor you also. Or may feel its better to avoid it. At least you can discuss and have another informed opinion and if need be, your GP can refer onwards.
I had to take aspirin throughout my pregnancy. It did make my asthma worse - at 22 weeks I needed nebulising after a full on attack, and had steroid tablets for a month. I also had to increase my brown puffer to 200mg 8 puffs a day and add on a long acting ventolin. This wasn't all due to the aspirin, my asthma seemed to get worse anyway. My cons decided that it was still worth continuing with the aspirin, because the effects of the asthma was better for the baby, than the risks if I didn't take it.

I would chat to your gp. :hug:
thanks ladies for the wonderful advice!!

I feel a thousand times better this evening, very tired though as after last night i slept all of 3 hours or so and had to go to work...

Got a docs apointment so will let you know what they say...


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