Aspirin to prevent miscarriage?

Has your dr asked you if you want to be referred to a recurrent m/c clinic, they do say its if you have 3 or more but i has two in a row like you and i was asked if i wanted to be referred. They spend alot of time looking into your history and possible causes. They can tell you if asprin will help you there is also another treatment going on just now where they use asprin and an anti clotting drug called heprin, i dont know if this a new thing or if its been done for a while, but if this is the path you choose you need to be prescribed it by the dr and get seen often.
I found good info at this site ... /s2035.htm
Dont know if this link will work but thats the address
Hi Miffy

I lost a baby 6 days past term and following the post mortem, was told I had something called anti cardiolipin syndrome (Also know as anti phospholipid syndrome and Hughes Syndrome) This causes the blood to thicken slightly and clot in the placenta. It is also the cause of recurrent miscarriage. Treatment is very simple and is just an aspirin a day from 10 weeks and heparin injections daily from 20 weeks.

I now have a lovely nine year old son and another little bean on the way due in March 08. It may be worth mentioning it to your doctor as aspirin in early pregnncy is not recommended normally. My consultant has put me straight back on aspirin and I'm looking forward to a healthy baby in 7 months time.

I know it probably doensn't feel like it now, and believe me, when we lost our first, I never thought I'd smile again but there is hope and maybe asking the doctor to test you for this disease (it's only a blood test) will set you on the road to parenthood.

Wishing you all the luck in the world, hope this doesn't sound too blunt or long winded.

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