tissue sent off for analysis (maybe sensitive)


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2007
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They have sent my baby's tissue off for analysis- he was about 8 weeks old. I don't really understand what they are doing, they said they're not going to test for downs etc.

Anyone any ideas what they do and look for? Think they are doing it because I had a previous miscarriage years ago.
Not really sure what to say.... maybe it is because you MC'd a few years ago too, but they tend only to test after 3 MC's in a row in Scotland... or if you have other medical history? ? I think the best thing...rather than guessing (killer cells, defects etc....) would be to phone your Midwife and get her to find out for you.... I know i would have liked to find out what happened to my babies...
I hope the results can help you heal and move forward to a new a happy pregnancy soon... :hug: sorry no help.. please let us know.. Lv Yvonne xx :hug:
sometimes they test for rare infections etc they did with my second m/c i was in 2nd tri but they said that sometimes different infections are present and just helps to determine why you have had a m/c also because you have had one before as well.

dont know where this is right info or not but just something i was told i would speak to your doc and just find out

take care hun :hug:
whatever they're testing for - hopefully it might help you to find some answers and help you in the future :hug:
Thanks everyone :hug: They said they probably won't find a reason. I just don't want them to say 'oh it's because you...' and say I did something that caused it. Irrational for me to worry that I know, as I'm not a junkie or anything :)
Oh god - katy I never meant that you may have done something to cause it - just that they may find something that can help you and other women in the future :hug:

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