Tiny's update... long post, sorry!!


Well-Known Member
Nov 26, 2009
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Hi girls thought Id start a new thread as the situation kind of evolved yesterday and the thread got really long.

The situation is this... Im now 5 days past my EDD. I have had 2 sweeps, one on my due date and one yesterday. Both times I was told my cervix isnt really softened enough and is still posterior. So its unlikely Ill be going into labour any minute. I am booked in for induction next weekend when Ill be 11/12 days past my due date. I had planned to get them to hold off until the monday when Ill be 13 days past it.

I have been doing hypnobirthing, and feeling really excited about having a natural birth, after a very straightforward text book pregnancy. The only issue I had was that my BP was low, around 100/60 (sometimes 55 ish) and was getting a bit faint.

Well over the last month my BP has been rising but never went over the assigned limit of 140/90 so I was actually feeling great cos I wasnt fainting anymore! :yay: I was monitored weekly anyway to be on the safe side.

On monday the midwife referred me to the consultant cos my bp hit 140/85 and the bump seemed to stop growing at 37cm. The consultant did a quick scan to check bloodflow and offered a sweep. I wasnt really that worried. she suggested I had a sweep with the midwife on saturday (yesterday) and they just keep an eye on my bp in community.

Yesterday came and I was really hoping the sweep would send me into labour, and she checked my bp first. It was 150/85. :shock: Officially 'high' but especially for someone with such low blood pressure normally. So she said she was gonna give me a really good sweep cos I needed to go into labour now. I agreed whole heartedly. Unfortunately my cervix just isnt ready, and she couldnt open it enough to give me anykind of sweep at all. :wall2: she also checked babies position and he has managed to turn back to back as well.:roll:

So the plan of action is this... shes coming round at some point today (keeping me on my toes, so I dont know when exactly :roll:) and checking my BP again. If its still high shes going to refer me to the antenatal ward. She doesnt really want me waiting til next weekend for induction with my blood pressure climbing at this rate.

Ive done my hypnobirthing relaxation track this morning and Im now on the sofa as OH does all the housework :lol: Im trying to stay calm but I have a mixture of concern for the babies health, my health, and concern about the impending medical intervention I didnt really anticipate, is making me very anxious. Im not sure if Im gonna be able to feel calm at the moment shes taking my BP as I know so many decisions are going to be made based on the result.

If I do go in this afternoon, there is no signal in the hospital so will hopefully be allowed out for walks when Ill be able to text people to update you guys, but I will miss you all very much :love:

A few questions;

- can you be induced with the pessary if your cervix actually wont open?! Cos my leaflet says they insert them behund your cervix, and if the midwife couldnt open it for a sweep, how would they manage this?

- Does anyone know if high blood pressure in the absence of any other signs of preeclampsia is a good reason for induction? Id rather wait for nature to take its course UNLESS there is a clinical need to get baby born asap.

- how do you fancy my chances of an epidural free labour when being induced with a non-softened cervix and a back to back baby, with a chance theyre going to want continuous fetal monitoring?!!? (Im rating my chances as very low!)

Ive lost a lot of confidence as I want to keep my baby safe, and would go through anything to make sure he's born healthy, but at the same time, I really really dont want unneccesary intervention.
:hug: I hope everything's ok today. I was induced with Toby and my cervix had been just like yours a couple of days before. It was softer by the time I was induced but I think as long as the pessary can make contact with it it'll be fine. Toby had also been back to back but lots of crawling around on all fours seemed to make him turn slightly. My induction was actually all quite relaxing too - the contractions were long and close together from the start, and unlike with Sam I did end up having an epidural but not because the contractions were unbearable - I had such bad sciatica that I was in so much pain between contractions and couldn't even roll onto my side or slide a few inches up the bed when they asked me to. I did end up having constant monitoring anyway, so I wouldn't have had the option to get up and move around. It wasn't the birth I'd planned but like you all I wanted was to have him here safely, and looking back, it all seems perfect :hug:
Hi tiny, so sorry you have worries this close to becoming a mummy x

firstly, with my first I went 2 weeks over and gad a very closed posterior cervix. They did insert pessaries several times as they use a thin syringe looking thing which manages to pop them in. It's actually less uncomfy than a sweep. With oscar, my waters broke and I didn't go into labour. After 2 days they tried to sweep and couldn't but again did the pessary thing. Both times I had to be induced via drip. First time I didn't feel it was managed so well and the contractions were thick and fast.
However, nowerdays they set it off so mild that with oscar, who was back to back they started just like bh and I survived with just hypnobirthing and gas & air.
Lots of people go into labour after the pessary tho. Stay positive, it makes all the difference and remember all your visualizations and you'll be fine xx
thanks for your encouraging words girls, it means a lot to hear you've not had terrible experiences on inductions. Ive heard one too many horror stories about inductions. Im not too phased by the usual horror storied cos I do trust my body 100% but I lose that confidence with the thought of induction cos I know my body is being messed with if that makes sense.

I suppose it comes down to being able to trust the professionals...something Im not very good at, considering Im a health care professional myself I probably should!!
Best of luck for today hun :hug: wull you ring them? How's the head now? Xxx
i rang the midwife, shes coming to me next so should be in the next 15 mins. just got a mild headache coming and going. dont feel the need to take paracetamol or anything, but I get bad migranes so Im a tough cookie with normal headaches!! :)
gonna log off now and listen to my hypnobirthing relaxation track in bed. i'll update after the midwife has gone :wave:

thanks for all your support girls, it means a lot :hug:
I hope everything goes well babe x big big hugs x x I've never been induced but the stories I've heard have either been wonderful or shite x x sending you calming vibes x x
Big :hug:'s Tiny!! Hope everything goes well for you! Let us know how you get on - I know people who've had both good and bad experiences to induction, I think everyone takes to it differently. You've the right kind of attitude towards birth though so I think you'd do just fine :) Xx
i really hope all is well for you today i was induced for bp i was given a gel first to soften things then pessarie after 2 days i was then put on drip and given an epi i was advised to have one as they can lower bp and mine was going up with the stress of it all
i would refrain from being induced if it is safe to do so as it very stressfull [although not for everyone] but go with what safest for you and baby xxxxxxx
Hope things went well Tiny keep us posted x

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