Tiny amount of blood on wiping?

Gemma & Jake

Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2006
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Hi I am 26 + 2 days pregnant and yesterday I have a bit of a dull ache all day in my pelvic area which felt a bit annoying and nothing more. I went to the toilet yesterday afternoon and when I wiped there was blood on the tissue but hardly anything like just a couple of specs. The last few times I have been to the toilet has been the same but I don't want to go to my doctor as it is such a tiny amount and he will probably think I am over reacting worrying about it. Has anyone else had this?
The best advise i can give is ring your midwife. They are there to help and answer any questions you may have and are much more experienced at answering these questions than doctors!

My midwife is great for ringing for advise. :D

Unfortunately i cant give you any advise on your particular problem, sorry :(

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Hi Gemz I answered in 3rd tri! I am sure you have nothing to worry about but give the MW a ring. A bit persnal but have you strained on the loo at all? I think this might have happened to me before :oops:
contact your midwife gemz & she will check you out, better to be safe.
good luck honey, hope you are ok.
:hug: :hug:
Like the others have said, get in touch with your midwife or GP. Or even ring NHS direct (0845 46 47) and see what they advise. if you can't get an appt to see your doc today, ask the receptionist if a doctor could just give you a quick call back? Let us know how you get on. xxx
Yeah NHS direct are always helpful and caring, hope all turns out to be well, im sure its fine xx
When I rang the NHS direct when I bled at 18 weeks they told me to call the doc if I soaked through 3 sanitary towels in 3 hours :shock: I went to casualty instead and they sent me to the delivery ward for a scan and examination.
skatty said:
When I rang the NHS direct when I bled at 18 weeks they told me to call the doc if I soaked through 3 sanitary towels in 3 hours :shock: I went to casualty instead and they sent me to the delivery ward for a scan and examination.

:shock: Do they really think anyone would wait for that to happen before they contacted their doctor :roll: ,what a joke,hope you are ok gemz :hug: xx
No news from Gemz yet? I hope that means she has been in the hospital getting a scan. Hope all is ok x
Yeah been thinking of her; I always thought NHS direct were quite helpful Skatty, but what they said about soaking 3 sanitary towels to you is just ridiculous!!!!!!
JaidyBaby said:
Yeah been thinking of her; I always thought NHS direct were quite helpful Skatty, but what they said about soaking 3
sanitary towels to you is just ridiculous!!!!!!

I couldn't believe it and was in such a state! I think any worries when pregnant you should speak to a doc or midwife.

I wonder where Gemz is?
Yeah I normally phone my GP or midwife, I used NHS direct a few weeks ago cos I had a tummy upset and they were ok for that but serious problems/concerns should be taken further me thinks! When babies are involved you can never be too care ful

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