How much blood is ok??


Well-Known Member
Aug 7, 2011
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Hi guys
Have noticed a tiny amount of blood on the tissue when going to the toilet (sorry TMI)
Just wondered, how much blood is ok/normal?
Not intending to scare you hun but I was told that bleeding in pregnancy is not normal and should be investigated. There is a good chance everything will be fine but you should report it to your GP/midwife. X
Yeah in a lot of cases its nothing to worry about but best to let your midwife or GP know so they can decided whether you need to be referred to an Early Pregnancy Unit to check everything is ok
bleeding is quite normal but its hard to say really as women get implatation bleeding in the early stages of pregnancy, in my second pregnancy i had a small bleed for a week then lost it, then in third pregnancy i bled again and all was fine

they reckon as long as its not bright red, possible clots and cramping it is nothing to worry about - youd be very suprised how many women on here have bled.

but your are best off just calling your midwife or epu unit as you will only be stressing otherwise and they will advisse whats best
Lots of women bleed hon - it all depends on the colour, amount etc...
Iv had 2 bleeds so far hun and it seems were due around the same time aswell. Olny small amounts of brown blood,and after iv had a bath its gone. Keep an eye on it for today then if it gets worse ring epu, hope ur ok xx
Thanks hun.
Not noticed any for a while so keeping an eye on it.
Yeah, just noticed were only 2 days apart!
I got told its prob ust from implation and working its way out in bits and bats xx
I would phone your midwife or local EPU and get checked out, as the others say its prob fine as lots of women bleed during pregnancy as long as no strong cramps or lots of bright red blood.

Best to get checked anyway, let us know how you get on. xx

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