

Well-Known Member
Jan 28, 2010
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anyone know what they say is to early/ to late during pregnancy for work.

i am up at 5.15 this morning to start work at 6.30. im really struggling with sleep and as soon as i'm on the early shift dont get any sleep at all. i have spoken to work about this. they have said i only have to do one early shift a week but it near on kills me. it seems to take me days to catch up with sleep.

any help is much appreciated. xxx
Hey hun, I haven't really got any advice to be honest!I start work at 7am every day and my worst symptom of being preg- exhaustion and tiredness.I'm up early as I work away which takes an hours drive to get to! I find once I'm up though and had a cuppa when I get to work I'm ok but by lunchtime when I've eaten I'm shattered! I have a sleep when I come home and then that dtuffs me for my nights sleep! So I'd love to hear some tips!!ur not alone! Xx
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Hi Girls,

I work 08.00-20.30 shifts, have to get up at 6am. Ive never been a morning person, but Im seriously struggling at the moment.

I have found though, that taking my pregnancy vitamins with my breakfast perks me up a bit and helps me push on through till lunch time! Must be the boost of Iron?!

Im sometimes on my feet all day, and find my days off are now spent sleeping and not alot else. I sometimes wonder where my life went.....i guess this is a sign of things to come!!

Just remember, sit down lots, drink plenty of water, lots of little snacks and breaks will help you push on through!

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