Time is going SO SLOW!!!!


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2012
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Jeez I'd forgotten how slow time goes in the first tri!! I keep opening up my pg apps each day half hoping they're going to suddenly say 11 weeks...

Think part of it is because no one knows. Going to see my parents later and finding it so hard keeping it from them but want to get to the dating scan before we do.

Also one of my close friends has started being a bit funny with me - I've not been able to go on any nights out since Christmas, not because of the pregnancy but because of OH's shifts. The two times I could go out she cancelled last minute (so it's not wholly down to me). I've also been so busy in work that I haven't been able to send her so many emails (usually we email once or twice a day during work breaks just to catch up but I've been working through lunch the last few weeks ). Consequently now she's started sending really brief replies or none at all to messages I send. Part of me is thinking should I just tell her but then the other half of me thinks she's being silly and I'd rather not tell people yet.

This is a bit of a pointless post but feeling bored and frustrated today!

I always feel guilty feeling like this as I remember how desperate I was to get pg and also about how many women would do anything to get pg and who probably wouldn't care how slow time went...

Hi Naomi,

I know how you feel, I think aswell because I found out at 9DPO so 3 1/2 weeks, time is going slowly. I think weekend drag aswell when you have time to sit and look at forums and apps. I'm thinking with one last week at school, half term, a short next half term it should hopefully speed up a little.

It's difficult when you don't tell people and they get a bit short with you, I would stick with your husband and just leave her be for now and when you feel ready tell her. Keep the convo going on your side then she has no excuses. We have only told 3 people, I'm glad we've kept it that way for now. Role on week 12!

I totally agree it should not be called the 2ww it should be called the 12 ww time is going by so slow I just want to make it to the dating and scan and share the news. As for your friend am sure she will understand why you have not shared the news, I am dying to tell my bestie but keeping is zipped xx
The girls are right, Id keep hush if thats what you want or tell her ypu have a lot on your plate with work etc, any understanding friend wouldnt badger that.

Im not telling fam till after the scan either, time is dragging in.

I feel bad for moaning but Id rather just pass go and get to my scan now.

Thanks ladies. Hopefully time will speed up a bit! Bobby I'm going to try and break it down into chunks too - I work through half term but have a couple of nice family days etc planned between now and the 12/13 wk mark so going to try and countdown to each of those and hopefully the time will pass quicker.

Went to my parents earlier for lunch and I swear they suspect something. I cried twice while I was there (once when I was giving them the synopsis of 'Inside Out' and once when I looked at a photo they had of my dd at a few weeks old and started talking about how much she's changed lol). Plus refused wine which I never do haha! They didn't say anything though and I might throw in a couple of 'heading out for cocktails' texts to them over the next couple of weeks to put them off the scent haha.

Text my friend earlier and said about the work stress RM but nothing back from her as yet :-/ not going to stress about it now though and will just try and catch up with her this week.

Ah well, another day almost down!
Good attitude hun, every day is sparkly and new.

Enjoy your tomorrow :p

I know this feeling so well! I normally enjoy my work and am very busy there so days have always flown by - since we had our news they drag on forever! Weekends seem better if I'm with my OH and we can enjoy our news :smile:

I think it will be worth it to see friends' and family's faces when we tell them and have a scan pic for them to see though.
Same for me time is dragging .. I'm 4weeks gone tomorrow and can't wait for my scan since I'v had a miscarriage in Nov I'm worried it will happen again! Just want to see a heartbeat ...
Aw sorry to hear you've had a mc - it does make pregnancy a bit stressful after that but hopefully all will be fine. Will you get an early scan? Xxx
I don't know got a doctors appt next Friday so I'm hoping so, fingers crossed x
Fx :-) I booked a private one in the end which I had Saturday - gave me a bit of reassurance xxx
Yer I might book a private if they won't allow an early scan x
2nd and 3rd trimester will race past honestly! Especially with a toddler and shift working hubby lol. 1st tri is horrendously slow cos of worry etc x
Okay, so we've only known for 6 days and shes now 5 weeks. She says time is going to go faster than I think! But its all I can think about everyday! So it feels like it couldn't go by any slower... So I definitely see what you mean!
2nd and 3rd trimester will race past honestly! Especially with a toddler and shift working hubby lol. 1st tri is horrendously slow cos of worry etc x

Haha thanks Jen - yep remember tri 1 being slower than the others last time too. Not long for you now! Xxx
Okay, so we've only known for 6 days and shes now 5 weeks. She says time is going to go faster than I think! But its all I can think about everyday! So it feels like it couldn't go by any slower... So I definitely see what you mean!

Yep each day is like a month!! Congratulations by the way :-) xx

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