Throwing a little wobbler!!!


Well-Known Member
Nov 24, 2010
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Ok .. So after staying quite positive this month... I'm feeling rather disheartened and down today.
I have been using my OPK's this cycle and had faint lines up until last night.. I got my darkest line - however still wouldn't class it as a positive.
I had my hopes up that it would be today and it would have fit nicely as my OH is home tonight.
Well I have just done another OPK at 11.30am and the line has totally gone!
I know I have missed my surge!! ( If i even had one) I havnt BD since Monday 29th due to OH working away!
I'm so peed of today!!
I'm usually quite happy and smiley but now I just feeling like going punching the guy I can't stand in my office!!!
ov can take place 12-36 hours after the surge line so if oh is home toniht u may stil stand a chance hun good luck xxxxxxxxxxx and big :hug:
isn't that actually a good thing. if I understand correctly when the surge happens it triggers ovulation (not sure if immediately) and then you have 12-36h... so you should be fiiiiiine!!! :hugs:
Hi Hun,

You should be fine but don't hang about lol!!

Check your cervix, it should be SHOW.

Good luck!

i agree with the girls, jump on OH when he gets thru the door ;) xx
Yeah, you should be good. Just go ahead and :bd: when you can. ;)

Fingers crossed for you. :dust:
Oooohhhhhh thanks girls!! Silly me... I didn't realise it was AFTER the darkest OPK that the surge happens!! Doh!!
Aww thanks everyone, I feel cheerful again now and the guy I can't stand in this office remains unhurt hehe!
Cant wait to see OH even more now !!!
lol poor guy in your office. Maybe you could warn him a punch might be on the way tomorrow instead ? lol. Good Luck with BDing xx
Could you throw something at him & then pretend it was someone else? Just for fun. :lol:
Haha kizzi that is a brill suggestion but the last time I threw something in this office I hot the wrong person and nearly blinded them with an elastic band!! Oops! ( it wasn't intentional, don't worry I'm not a physco lol).

The guy in my office is a whole different story.. Don't feel sorry for him cherry lol... He is one lazy horrible stupid sales rep who does absolutely sod all!! The only thing he is remotely good at us butting into peoples conversations!! Ohh and also has a habit of looking at womens boobs all day!! I could go on but I'll shut up now lol

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Ahh one of those, I worked in offices for years and have met quite a few of those lazy ass men who look at boobs all day and pretend theyre on the phone a lot.
Shh! I'm at work & I'm watching World's Strictest Parents on iPlayer. :lol:

Actually, bit annoyed. My monitor started playing up this morning so I've got a crappy one which is tiny & is starting to die so everything is pink, but there's two others which aren't being used but which actually work. :rolleyes: So I'm not trying too hard lol
awww i can talk, but keep your chin up and get your boobs out!!! lots bd'ing tonight...he are still ok to catch it xxx
Waahayyy! *Flashes Boobs*


Im tempted to nip out now and buy another OPK before OH gets home... Dya reckon its worth doing another?

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maybe to just see if the surge is still there? im not the best one to advise with opks lol xx
Oooohhh Linx.. You twisted my arm!!

Go on then!! Nice trip to the shops for moi ha ha!


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