thought my waters had gone lmao

roxane 1985

Well-Known Member
Mar 7, 2011
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well talk about bloody pregnancy brain, last night i slept in y daughters bed for a few hrs as she had a nightmare and in the end i had to get her in my bed.

i went to make her bed this morning a noticed her bed was soaking wet - i thought how can it be she has to wear bed pants at night because she doesnt always wake fr the toilet

i started freaking out thing shit my waters have gone and started sniffing the sheets tmi i know and couldnt really smell anything. after a bit i noticed her bed pants on the floor but what i couldnt understand is she was already wearing some.

i went and asked my daughter if she had new pants on and she turned round and said yes, i weed too much in mt other ones and had to put clean ones on.

turns out int the time i went and spoke to my other half and said id been in her bed most of the night then went back to get her she had weed that much it went through her pants onto her bloody bed and she even had time to chnge them - bless her she isnt even 4

thank god i didnt rush down hospital and asked her first hahahaha
LOL - easy mistake to make! Can just see you sniffing the covers.....
LOL, sorry its quite funny but I can totally see myself freaking out
you all think thats bad, when i was expecting my daughter i rushed up the hospital having such painful contractions in was doubled over, they put me on the monitor and they could see i was having some, the nurse left the room for a bit and while she was gone i realised what it was

i was VERY badly constipated so ent the bath room and went the toilet, the pains then stopped, turns out i was cramping that much from trying to pass it that it showed up on the monitor, very embarassing having to explain to the nurses after lol
yep my body likes to make me look like a right twit infront of people. hahahaha
Oh how funny! My brother was admitted with suspected appendicitis but it turned out to be severe constipation!
Best buy some prune juice!
Oh how funny! My brother was admitted with suspected appendicitis but it turned out to be severe constipation!
Best buy some prune juice!

I know Im only in tri 2 but had to comment on this haha. That has actually happened to me, I was admitted to hospital 3 times with severe stomach cramps and on the 3rd admission they operated and took out my appendix. They then did an xray and found out I was constipated and they had actually removed perfectly healthy appendix haha. God Ive never actually told anyone about that too haha xxx

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