My waters!!!!

Lozzi I had this when I was in labour after the midwife done a sweep, there is no doubt that your in labour hunny, time you contractions and ring the midwife and tell her about the blood loss, its a sign that you are dilating and your membranes are coming away.
YIPPPEEEE!!!! i am sooooo excited for you hun - shes on her way!!!! :cheer: :dance: :clap:
Yup, defo sounds like the real deal to me...get onto the midwife chicky...keep us posted :cheer: xx
YAY!!! Good luck girlie!! Hope to hear your birth story soon followed by some piccies of your lil stunner!!
Wishing you all the best!! :hug: :hug:
Yea i had it too once the contractions had got stronger, i was in the hospital by then, id get it cheaked just to put your mind at rest!
how exciting good luck hun hope it happens fast and ur holding ur lo very soon xx :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
iv been out 4 3 hrs and another babies on the way so quickly???? yay lozzi how r u ma hunni?
Doesnt blood mean the placenta is coming away? I never had any blood with DD just waters. My sister had brown waters coz the baby was distressed and poo'ed in her.

I wouldnt be happy with that hun and I'd go back or at least ring midwife and ask whats normal after a sweep.
i had blood a little is normal as its just the cervix stretching.
:cheer: :cheer: :cheer: Ooh, how excting good luck Lozzi!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Think pushy thoughts!!!! :hug: :hug:
ello from a ttcer lol been watching ur posts lozzie and just had to wish u good luck !
Yay lozzi is all aboard the labour train :cheer:
Did we make predictions about when lozzis little madam would be born? hold on im about to have a look and see what i predicted. :D
Woohoo! Exciting Lozzi!
Hope you're doing alright and that your little girl is well on her way now!
just caught up with this thread....

oh this is all very very exciting :dance: :dance: :dance:

fingers and toes crossed for you..........

can't wait to hear how you are getting on :lol: :lol:
oooh yay!!!! :cheer:

All the waiting finally over!!!! Hope everything is fine. :D

Hope you get the homebirth you wanted
Fingers crossed for you
x x x

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