Waters have gone!


Hope this is me in the next few weeks - I'm ready!

Good luck babes - how exciting.

Good Luck!

have everything crossed for you, how exciting! :dance:
Hi Ya Rachel,

I'm soooo excited for you.........hope your in the hospital by now, and things are well on there way!!!!!!

Lots of luck!

Amy xx

Wow good luck, I was the same as Dionne told me to go in right away tehn sent me home and said if nothing by morning then come back in then sent me homeonce more and said if no contractions by the day after that then they will induce me, went in for my induction turns out i was havig contractions all night and didnt know but they still induced me to speed it up.
Congrats .
Oh Rachel, keep us posted. Cant wait to hear the news. Best of luck

ooo so exciting :D hope everything is ok rachel :D cant wait 2 hear the news. good luck :D
hayley xx
Good Luck Rachel, can't wait to hear your news!!!!!!

well I'm guessing that your at the hospital now and quite possibly had your little one.

good luck were all waiting for some news

keely&bump said:
wow exciting!!... my midwife said dont get active when your waters break! stay in sitting or lying incase the cord comes out first!?!

call and ask hospital? :?

good luck sweety xxxx

oh thats strange. I was told to stay upright and active but then again i was i hospital i suppose so if i did have a prolapsed cord i was in right place. There was no way id stay confined to a bed any how! LOL
been thinking of rachel all nite... hope she's havign an easy labour (if there is such a thing) come on and let us know as soon as your well enough...

wow I am so excited to find out if she has had him!!

hurry up rachel!! hehe xxxx
aww i hope everything goes ok for her,
wishing you well Rach
x x x
Rachel, i too have been thinking about you all day.........hope things went well, and you have your little one!!!!

Amy xx
good luck i will keep a look out in the new arrivals section!!!!

cas xx

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