My waters!!!!

Finger's crossed and hoping your legs aint :wink: Good luck - you're doing a great job of keeping us entertained. Hope it's not too much longer for you :hug:
lozzijane said:
contractions are gettin really strong, gonna keep an eye on timing them now im back....
hopefully some news soon for you :D

Lozzi - your dedication to the forum is impressive!

We're all rooting for you! Can't believe by the time I wake up your daughter will hopefully be here!

L x
Right midwife has just been... AND GONE :l

haha absolutly typical eh :(

im 2/3cms dilated... 14 hours of contractions and im 2 chuffin cms GRRRR

50% effaced

and she announced the great news that if i havent delivered by 12 noon i have to go to hospital for antibiotics and induction :(

so everyone please pray that i pop madam out by noon, she did say tho that if at 12 im 9cms she'll let me have my home birth, otherwise im buggered....

im gutted, was really hopnig she wud come and say i was further dilated... and i certainly wasnt expecting the 12 deadline! :(

ah well i have 10 hours....

she said i have to go to sleep as im going to nede my energy to push, and basically if she is going to come before tomorrow then regardless of what i do tonite she will come, so i need to go to bed now and sleep...

Good luck hun how exciting. It is 1230 am here so its 830 am where you are , have you had your baby girl yet ? cant wait to hear your news!!
Good Luck!!!

Hope things have progressed through the night :pray:
I hope your little one has arrived safely at home as you planned, cant wait to hear
Shes on her way to hospital with her dad that was the latest at about 11, she was in a lot of pain and was only 4cms poor thing, xxxx

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